Chapter 8

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Not two miles outside the small town of Bruins Den in northern Terras, Leander and his cousins trudged behind their fathers in search of wild beasts to kill. Patches of snow, the last traces of winter dotted the grey northern province in the midst of its spring thaw. The first buds on the sessile oaks had just begun to emerge and would soon transform the barren forest thick and green. The winters in northern Terras were typically tame but that didn't stop the northern nobles from complaining. Leander always found their grousing tiresome as the winters in Terras were practically balmy compared to those experienced in Barden or Loren.

Leander was one month removed from that night in Pence and he could still smell her every time he closed his eyes. Only Eleanor knew the extent of what happened that night but everyone knew the pair disappeared together and were hungry for the slightest detail, especially Eli.

"So you're really not going to tell me what you two did?" Eli said.

"I told you. We went to a bar and that was it," Leander said.

"There is no way that's all that happened, especially since you've been moping for the past month. Come on," Eli pleaded. "I told you what I did that night"

"Eli, Princess Felecia passing out on your lap in front of the entire reception does not constitute as an exclusive," Eleanor said.

"Ah, but telling me what she wanted to do to me before she passed out does," Eli said.

"Wasn't she calling you Leander when she was telling you that?" Samuel Thorn pointed out.

Eli's lips tightened. "It was loud and she was slurring so I couldn't tell."

"Sounds about right," Eleanor said.

With 15 along for the hunt it was necessary to split into groups. Walking with Leander in addition to Eleanor and Eli were Samuel and his younger brother Cael. Samuel was due to come of age in a few months with Cael three years off and were both about as excited about being along for a hunting trip with their fathers as you'd teenagers to be.

"Eli's right though Leander, you don't turn down Julia Halloway unless you think you got a shot with Alexia," Samuel said. "Then it makes complete sense."

"Yea, I'd cut off my right foot just to see her naked," Cael said.

"Holy shit, do you two need some privacy to rub one out because we can go on ahead if you need to duck behind a tree," Eleanor said.

Samuel laughed. "Cael will take a rain check I'm sure. I saw he packed Alexia's Regal Magazine spread from last year."

"Shut up Samuel, you have the same picture on your wall," Cael said.

Prior to her clash with Haydar Fadel, Alexia gave an interview to Regal Magazine and allowed the magazines photographers into her training room. Dozens of pictures were included in the piece but one in particular garnered the most attention. Alexia wore a simple black top, tight and cut off just below her ribs exposing her core. The shot was perfectly timed to catch her in a smoky gaze as the sweat beaded on her chest. That photo decorates the walls of teenage boys across the continent.

"Guys can we just find something to kill so we can get out of here," Leander said eager to get off the subject.

The hunt was an annual tradition for the Thorn family passed down for generations and attendance was considered mandatory. Although the hunt was traditionally a men's excursion, over the years Eleanor had forced her way onto the trip. You wouldn't know it to look at her but Eleanor was deadly with a bow. Leander once saw her drop a 700 pound stag from 80 yards out. Leander always thought that Eleanor would have made a fine champion if she were trained. Ambrus didn't see it necessary to train her or Eli given Leander, Titus and all of Ambrus's siblings would have to be gone before she would be eligible to serve.

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