Chapter 6

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Alexia stood watch over Penelope as a cackle of young noblemen surrounded her, all angling to be chosen as her first dance. Traditionally the first dance was considered to be the princess's preference in a future courtship but in recent years some princesses has begun to use this tradition as a tactic to entice their preferred suitor to be more aggressive in his pursuit.

Since she had no interest in playing games or having discussions about them Alexia didn't have the slightest idea what her sister's plans were. Her only concern was keeping certain princes away from Penelope. Alexia had seen enough in the summer nights of Cristo to know where most of the young princes' hands had been and which ones she wanted nowhere near her sister. Wilhelm Hammerstag and Kaden Gramont were at the top of her very long list. Her icy glare was enough to send those two to the far side of the pavilion.

Also perched atop her list of unacceptable suitors was the entire Cyprian brood. The six brothers stood hovering at the edge of the pavilion roughhousing with each other and making cat calls at the lady's of the lower houses. Ballas, the second child of King Otto Cyprian stood stoic with his dark eyes trained on Alexia. The pair has a history, with Alexia serving as the elusive leopard in Ballas's big game hunt and he made no secret of his desire to add her pelt to his wall. There was a time when Alexia found him attractive. He had a masculine look even from a young age and his reputation among her fellow noblewomen had her curious. But once she learned there was nothing between his ears her interest waned and after seeing the brutality he displayed in the arena he now repulsed her. Ballas was the family's champion and heir apparent but he wouldn't be for long. King Ivan Cyprian, Ballas's older brother and his wife Queen Celine Cyprian were expecting their first child and by the look of her it would be any day now.

King Ivan stood next to his wife, away from his crude brothers leaning on his cane, an aid he'd required since childhood. Frail and sickly, Ivan stood out from his brothers like a sheep among lions but he was as deadly as any of them, just not in the arena. For what he lacked in size and strength he made up for in cunning and ruthlessness. Sovereigns like Ivan were the most dangerous. Power hungry, with a great champion and ample reserves behind him, Ivan had relentlessly pressed Karak's interests since Ballas's ascension. Five clashes in three years for Ballas Cyprian and Ivan would have pushed for more if the Elisian Union allowed it. Champion clashes have to be approved by the Union for reasonableness, one can't demand an asset without legitimate claim. This is where a nation's alliances play a central role, and there is no better way to secure an allegiance than through marriage.

Penelope was thoroughly enjoying the attention as eager aristocrats engaged in desperate attempts to spark her interest. Some made jokes, other showered her with compliments and some like Eli Thorn resorted to winking and flexing. As Penelope painstakingly waded through the potential suitors, Christian called to her from across the pavilion. Penelope excused herself as she squeezed her way through the preening noblemen with Alexia close behind. They found Christian in the company of Phillip and Clara Ostergard and their son Prince Christopher of Loren.

"Penelope, Alexia, this is his and her highness Phillip and Clara Ostergard," Christian said.

Phillip and Clara bowed in unison while Alexia and Penelope politely curtsied.

"And this is Prince Christopher," Christian said.

Having just come of age Prince Christopher was a stranger to Alexia which made her uneasy but he had an innocent enough look about him. His face looked to have never had a razor drawn across it and his smile was wide and unassuming. His eyes were royal blue and the hair on his brow, was so light that Alexia needed a second look to see if there was any present.

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