Chapter 7

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Leander didn't know where she was taking him. She was quite mysterious in her intent. Alexia said she needed to get something from her room and had him wait in the bushes in the front of a large garage in the east ward of the palace. When she finally emerged she was wearing a blonde wig, a pair of glasses and had changed into jeans and a t-shirt.

"What's with the wig," he asked.

"You don't want to get recognized do you? I have your disguise right here," she said holding up a black duffle bag.

"Recognized? Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," –she threw him the bag – "Now change up."


"Yes... now stop wasting time and do it," Alexia said.

Leander grumbled but did as she said. Within the bag was a pair of slacks, a collared shirt, a cap and a pair of glasses. He took off his jacket and began to unbutton his shirt before noticing she was still standing right in front of him.

"Do you mind," he said.

"Not at all," she nonchalantly replied, not moving from her spot.

Leander crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.

She huffed. "Fine, ill turn around if you're going to be a prude about it."

After Leander finished changing Alexia clicked the garage door open revealing a black sports car that looked like it belonged on a race track.

"Get in," she said.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?"

"On the way," Alexia said as she opened the driver side door.

Their escape was easy, down a scarcely traveled road that lead to an old escape tunnel which took them beyond the outer walls of the grounds. A quick trip up a small service road found them on the cherry tree lined avenue that lead to Pence. The avenue was 10 miles long and restricted to commoners.

Alexia's blonde wig looked out of place against her tan complexion and Leander thought he looked ridiculous in the cap and glasses she provided.

"I don't know who you think your fooling with that wig and glasses," Leander pointed out. "You have the most famous face in the world, you'll be recognized in seconds."

"It's dimly light where we're going. I've never been recognized before."

"And that is?"

"A bar called the Stuck Boar," she said.

His eyes narrowed. "So getting drunk at a bar is the treatment you recommend?"

"The alcohol's not the reason why were going tonight."

"Then why are we going?"

Alexia smirked. "You ever been to a pit fight?"

"No...they're illegal in Terras," Leander said.

"They're illegal in Corella too, that's the point."

"Alright I'm confused. How is exposure to more violence going to help anything?"

"First, the fighters are participating of their own free will, the matches are hand to hand and most importantly nobody dies. Second, it's not about the violence. It's about doing something you know you shouldn't. It'll give you a rush, like a powerful drug that will help you forget about everything else running around in your head."

Leander didn't respond as he pondered the notion.

Alexia pulled the car to the side of the road. "I don't want to push you," she said. "What works for me may not work for you. So just say the word and we'll turn back."

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