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It was a small pizza dinner, organized at Alex's home. With Kara and Mon-El, her boyfriend, on one side of the table and Alex and Maggie on the other, it was a seemingly innocent setup. It was a chance for the two couples to spend some time together and catch up, away from their field of work.

However, the lighthearted banter took an unexpected turn for the worst when Mon-El mentioned the latest Supergirl feat, punctuating the congratulation with, "what do we even need cops for in this city?"

Being a cop herself, Maggie's eyes instantly narrowed in annoyance at Mon-El's dismissal of her occupation.

Alex caught sight of this downturn in Maggie's features and quickly tried to clear the air. "He's from a different planet, he doesn't even know what he's saying," she explained through a mouthful of pizza.

Unfortunately, Maggie's irritation remained present. "No, he's right." The brunette smiled sarcastically. "Why even bother trying to talk a guy down when Supergirl can just swoop right in a force them down?"

Kara blinked in disbelief, shocked that someone could be upset about her saving people. "Wait, you're not upset that I caught the bad guys and got everyone out safely, are you?"

The bickering escalated as rage laced through both Kara and Maggie's rising tones, firing insults and arguments back at one another with no mercy. The nail in the coffin was delivered when Mon-El backed up Kara, calling himself a superhero in the process and supporting the idea that violence was preferable over talking. With that, Kara threw down her napkin and stood up, stomping her way out the door, her boyfriend following close behind.

Alex tried to stop them, but the door shut before she could say anything. She turned around to Maggie, frazzled. "I just want you and Kara to get along." Alex requested to her partner with pleading eyes.

"Kara and I get along great." Maggie explained. "It's Supergirl that I sometimes have trouble with." Her tone was riddled with frustration.

"Okay, just keep trying. Okay?" Alex asked.

Maggie nodded reluctantly. "Okay. For you, yeah."

"Great." Alex settled her lips in a thin smile before she swiveled around and strode to the coat hanger by the door to grab her jacket.

"Where are you going?" Maggie queried, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Alex shrugged on the extra layer, pulling it over her shoulders. "To catch up with Kara and tell her to try too. She's just as stubborn as you are." Her fingers grasped the cool metal of the doorknob and twisted it, pulling inwards to expose the hallway, then looking back a final time. "Don't wait up for me." She flashed one last comforting grin at the girl she loved, then stepped outside and closed the door behind her. The redhead moved with quick steps towards the elevator, pressing the down button and waiting for the doors to slide apart before stepping inside, barely noticing the other passenger in the corner. In fact, that person was the final image that she saw before she felt a sharp pain in her neck, and the world faded into black.

Maggie sighed as the door closed, glancing towards the ground. She had no idea that those words were going to be the last that Alex ever spoke to her for a long time. 

{A/N: This was more of an introduction to the story, to set the scene and basically reiterate what happened in the actual storyline and show. Don't worry, longer chapters and branching from the canon plot are coming soon.}

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