Alex Danvers.

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Alex Danvers was a quiet hero.

Everyone knew of her famous sister, Kara, but they knew her as Supergirl. Supergirl conquered foes threatening the safety of the people in National City, saving lives and delivering justice, helped along by the exact same powers her cousin, Superman, possessed. Alex did all of these things as well, minus the superpowers, but the public barely recognized her. She faded into the backdrop, unappreciated and disregarded. To most people, Alex Danvers was no one special.

Most people.

She may have been shrouded from the public eye, but to the people that knew her, Alex was someone to admire and aspire to be. She was celebrated as a top agent at her workplace, the DEO, where she researched and fought against aliens that were dangerous and wished to harm National City. She was a skilled scientist that could break down viruses to their molecular levels and study them to attempt to formulate a cure, as well as trained in the medical field, able to provide suturing abilities and more. Aside from the mental aspect of her job, Alex was extremely talented when it came to combat. Being lithe, quick-witted, and experienced, she could beat nearly anyone in a fight, and she was an excellent shot. No one ever wanted to cross the path of an irked Alex Danvers, lest they receive a sound punch to the face.

Her sister, Kara, valued Alex more than anything or anyone else in the entire world. When Kara had first arrived to Earth, delivered by a similar pod to Superman's, hurriedly given to a welcoming adoptive family, she was terrified. She had no idea how to conduct herself on this new planet, because Krypton was all she had ever known. But when she was first met with the daughter of the family that took her in, she found some comfort in being able to figure out the world with a peer. Alex guided Kara through social norms and mannerisms, and for that, Kara could not be more grateful.

NCPD cop Maggie Sawyer was perhaps the person that made the biggest impact on Alex's life. When the two first met each other at a crime scene, they butted heads, leaving a distasteful impression on each other. However, the atmosphere around them changed for the better after Alex saved Maggie from an alien that had been holding her captive. The successful rescue acted as an affirmative that yes, they worked well together. From then on, they took on several cases together, hanging out frequently at Maggie's favorite dive bar, and inevitably becoming closer to each other. This closeness gradually caused Alex to begin to view Maggie in a different light. Maggie had already nonchalantly come out as a lesbian to Alex, and it didn't take Maggie long to identify that what Alex thought was innocent banter was really active flirting. Alex had never even thought that she could have been gay, yet Maggie eased her through the acceptance and coming out part of her journey, finally opening up a part of the redhead that she had repressed for so long. Even though she was initially rejected after revealing her feelings for Maggie, Alex's interest in the cop didn't fade, and eventually, Maggie fell for Alex too. The couple had not ever been happier than they were as girlfriends. Maggie helped free Alex from the walls she had put up around herself, and their devotion to one another was unmatched. 

To these people, Alex Danvers was tough. Resilient. A badass. Nothing and nobody could stand in her way, especially when someone she loved was hurting. They all believed that.

Alex Danvers had been missing for the past two years. 

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