"And you? She has been with you since she came." Tortuga argues with his statement.

"My only priority with her is information on the treasure. So you and the crew stop getting attached because in the end she'll be gone. So what information you got?"

"A match. That compass we scored was in the book."


"Come see," Nino said as they both walked below deck.

Ivan saw Marinette staring off in Chat's direction, "What wrong Miss Marinette?"

"I don't understand Chat?" Marinette sighed as she watched him heading down with Tortuga.

"What do you mean?" Ivan asked.

"He so cold to me but I keep thinking that he isn't... I don't understand."

"Don't understand? Maybe it's cause yer a mermaid, you don't know yer feelings." Ivan states back as never believe mermaids to have feelings.

"Feelings? What do you mean feelings?" Marinette asked in confusion.

"You'll figure it soon enough." Ivan saw her expression as she sighed, "I'll tell you this. Chat is cold to you not because he doesn't like you.... Look ye'll leave soon as we find the treasure and you'll no longer be with us. He hates attachments." Ivan says as he picks up the bucket of dirty rags and leaves off to his kitchen.

Marinette continued cleaning with thoughts filling her mind.

"Chat we have it," Tortuga said astonished at the map and book side by side.

"The dream is real meow." Chat smiled widely.

"Started when we were kids. I remember when we met you were trying to run away from the headquarters."

"Yeah, then you got me caught since you can't keep your mouth shut about not believing me being the general son."

"Then we became best friends." Tortuga laughed.

"Hmmph. Then disappear for 10 years." Chat gave him a stern glare and chuckled as he focuses on the map.

"Then we reunited remember." Tortuga reminded as he pins the board with the pieces of the map.

"Yeah, when you invaded my father's ship...."


Tortuga landed on the ship and saw all the soldiers had been taken down. Except for one, Tortuga recognizes an old friend. He was walking forwards towards the stairs to confront Adrien, who was still fighting off the men single-handedly without breaking a sweat.

Adrien blocked one move, did a spin and blocked another, then kicked one man down, grabbed the next, and slammed him to the ground, which seemed impossible for a man with such a handsome face. He quickly ducked another sword and threw yet another man to the ground in just one blow, a completely serious look on his face and the ends of his skinny blue trench coat whirling around him eagerly. Adrien's quick feet deflected another man's sword and he balanced on one leg while his other foot kicked the man three times in the head, knocking him out. Adrien used this time to stop and catch his breath, sword held at the ready.

"Still fight like an old lady."

Adrien started to smile in disbelief at the sound of a voice he hadn't heard in a decade, completely forgetting that he was in the middle of a battle.


He was quickly tackled to the ground by three of the men he'd previously hit down, Nino watching with his arms crossed casually.

Miraculous Curses of the Mermaid TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now