Chapter 5

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She woke up in a strange place. A ship, She remembered, as the floor rocked beneath her. She was in a fancy room, on a large, comfortable king-sized bed, the kind she saw in sunken ships. But being tied to its bedpost. Looking around, she saw a telescope and many charts, maps tacked to the walls, and at the corner a skeleton tied to the chair covered in jewelry and gold coin.

Chat Noir himself stepped through the door. She shrunk against the ship wall trying to make herself as small as possible.

"Hello, princess." He leered at her, taking amusement at her terrified expression. "Looks like you've got the full package!" He came over to her and looked her over closely. "Dark hair that shines like the night sky, porcelain skin, and a purdy tail... You're lookin' at me like I'm some sorta monster!" He guffawed, then looked seriously at her. "You're right in thinking that, lassy."

Captain Chat Noir sat next to her on the bed and leaned close, inhaling the smell of her hair. "Mmmm. The smell of the saltwater in your hair." She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping that this was all some bad dream.

"Stay away from me!" She said, scooching as far as possible away from him.

"Feisty! I like you, what's yer name, little mermaid?"

"I don't have to tell you." She replied stubbornly.

"Then I'll have to force it out of you!" Chat drew a dagger from his belt and I stared at it, eyes wide with terror. He smirked at her expression. "I don't want to slice up a pretty young mermaid, I can force you to tell me the other way if you want." He sneered at her and brought his knife to her face, just an inch from her eye.

"No! It' Marinette!" She shrieked, trying to swat away his hand. "Don't touch me!"

"That wasn't so hard, was it? "

She didn't answer him.

"Was it?" He brought the knife to her neck as he asked her again.

"No." She answered quietly, trying so hard not to cry.

"I have lots of plans for you, lassy. You won't be leavin' any time soon." Chat Noir grinned a wolf's grin at her, which scared her pale. With that, he stood up and left the cabin. That left her sitting on the bed with her heart pounding, and hand pressed against her chest. She feigned being asleep.

"Wakey, wakey, lass." Chat said in his deep voice.

"It not appropriate for you to scare me like that!" She shrieked as she woke up from being dozed off. 

He responded with a loud laugh.

"Lassy, I'm a pirate. I stopped caring about being 'appropriate' a long time ago."

"Chat quit pestering her and talk about the Perla," Tortuga said interrupting Chat Noir's discussion as he leans against the doorway.

"Great mother goose is here." He spat annoyingly.

"What are you pirates going to do to me?" Marinette asked in a frightened tone, scared to know the answer.

"Lassy you're going help us find our treasure, the Perla in particular." Tortuga said as he approaches her, "No harm will come to you if you cooperate. Chat will be enforcing any method he likes so I insist you cooperate instead of his way." Tortuga insisted evily with a sneer, "Until then you can stay in my co-captain Chat quarters as well."

"I don't think that's a wise idea for her." Chat mumbled annoyingly. 

"No. If you want me to help find your guy's treasure? Fine." She looked back at him, "And if he wants me to stay in his room, fine." Then her eyes locked with Chat, "But I will not make it easy on him."

"Let see if your bite matches that bark of yours but so far it sound good for me." Tortuga touched Chat's shoulder, "Good luck captain." Tortuga gave a 2 finger salute at Chat.

Once Tortuga left, Chat approach and held her cheeks. "Here the deal you annoy me, you'll go to the galley, so don't think you can threaten me." Chat sneered as Marinette squirm at the bedpost.


Chat pulled out his gun and put it under her chin, "Do I got myself clear?"

"Ye...yes." She stuttered.

"Hmmm...You don't have to say anything, but I brought you something to eat." Her head snapped up. "I thought you might be hungry since I'm stuck with you but I don't have the greatest memory on doing chores so let see when I remember to feed you." She was hungry. She hadn't eaten since she been here. She didn't even want to touch the food that humans ate. He set the tray down on a small table beside the bed he untied her hands. "You may call me cap'n, princess."

"Cap'n," she whispered. "Thank you." As she picked up a piece of cooked fish.

Chat nodded. "Just finish eating I got work to do that isn't babysitting your tail." He barked.

"Oh." She says as she quickly ate the fish with Chat glaring at her the whole time. Soon as she was done he tied her back to the bedpost she was too weak to even try to fight. "Please bring me seawater cap'n." She said with her voice that was dry and hoarse.

"Max is the cabin boy he'll bring it." Chat growled, "just remember Lassy this gun can end your life if you do any funny business."

He smirked before disappearing out the door. Marinette felt confused. Why was he being nice to her now? He certainly looked like a pirate.  There was something about him though, it made him seem rather... sweet. But Marinette didn't want to think about the situation she is in as she looks out into the moon scared of what will happen to her. Max brought in the water and she put her tail in the small pail. She sighs in relief but the worst is yet to come.

Chat scoffed as he enters the room once again, "See Lassy if you cooperate you will be in great hands, so earn your keep" He grins.

"I don't want to be here..." She mumbles as she looked out the window.

"Well, you have accommodated to your new home now Lassy." He grinned.

I got my ticket for a lonely ride, 2 whiskeys for the waynnn I could sure you some company, but I'm leaving tomorrow what ye say.......Yes, I indeed posted on Sunday and not Tuesday. That is because I'm going to Europe for 10 days and I have no idea if I'm going to have data connections 😬 so chapter 6. Will be posted on the 7th of July to make up for it late Tuesday...

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