Chapter 19

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 He replays the memory as he remembers watching from the ship's edge as she swam away on the currents of the waves. He had half hoped that she would change her mind and come back on the ship to tell him that he meant more to her than her tail, that she would stay, but the part of her that wanted, that was very small. She needed to go home she was forgetting who she was. Her life was at stake, and here he was complaining that she needed her to...he fell in love and needs her. That thought seemed selfish and petty, but it was true in a way. His life would just return to its blurry state of anger, but with one big difference. She changes that before he was angry and rebellious, now he feels like a new person. Now here would be no hope of rescue at all to go back to the old him. And if that was all there was, what was the point of living at all? Marinette had become his life, everything that he denied and now he is facing the facts, and she was going. He let out a growl of annoyance and loneliness as he laid on the chair of the captain's quarters. The crew was heading to Fiji as vacation and for Adrien can start his next journey.

The nights seemed endless. He sat in a chair by sea, after changing out of his captain finery and putting on a gray linen shirt and dark blue britches. The hours ticked by, but he was too swamped with the emotional pain of Marinette leaving to think of anything. The crew notices his attitude, it has been over a month, Chat goes full pirate king when in combat. However, as soon as they sail he is moping in the crow nest.

He tries to ignore the fact that he fell in love. He was the one who had it all. He uses to be rich then became the king of the pirates and lost his previous title. He uses to be in charge of the carefree fate he decided to follow. He didn't need any girl, only his best friend, and crew. He doesn't need anyone else not even needs his family. He will never shake away the pain that he is feeling. He closes his eyes now and then her image is still there, he let her steal into his melancholy heart, it's more than he can bear. He knows she will never leave him, her memories are imprinted in his mind. Why did he fell in love with her? He can't she a mermaid and far away now. He knows she will never leave his mind. He will be wasting in my lonely tower, waiting by an open door. He will fool himself, that she'll walk right into his life again.

Marinette pov

The mermaid had finally returned to her reef in the ocean. All the mermaids were happy to have her back. She filled the reef with life, freedom, and happiness.

Yes, with happiness. But she herself wasn't happy.

She felt an emotion which she could not describe. But she knew why she felt it. She missed Chat Noir... Adrien. Her heart was broken and she didn't know why, it hurt her, and she was lost.

Before she would always avoid the surface but now she decided to leave her home to be up there. She only wanted to see him once again. Alya has now been very protective and tried to keep her away. Marinette never told anyone what happens especially about losing her tail. Life was now empty, she thought about the stories Adrien told her about changing his identity. She was confused about hers because she has gotten accustomed to the pirate life. She missed it.

When she has done being up in the sun she swam back down to her cave. As she did she bump into an old merman.

"Oops, I'm sorry let me help you." Marinette squirm from her clumsiness as she picks up the clam books he dropped.

The mermaid didn't care as she swam away. She just swam away. Away from all of her plain. It filled her with fear, though she knew he could never leave be a mermaid. She remembered what he had done. And what she had done to friend him. It hadn't been easy. But she had made it.

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