Chapter 3

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They finally reach the edge and jump off the 3 story roof into the air.

"Were not going to make it!" Tortuga cried out.

"Yes, we are!" Chat Noir yelled out as a rope lassoes them and they swing across the dock onto the ship. They cut themselves from the rope and tumble onto the poop deck. The confederation was shouting back at the ship leaving the docks. Chat and Tortuga got up to their feet and wave with laughter. Chat Noir then called Kim to send the crew to work.

Kim smiled widely, "By the looks of your faces you got the real map."

"You bet Kim, now go get back to sailing the ship." Chat grinned a smile.

"Aye captain, are we set sail?" Yelled Ivan from the crow nest.

Kim answers for Chat with an irritated face. Ivan always needs a repeat, he almost fails at lassoing the captains.

"Aye, pay up turtle face," Chat says as Tortuga starts to walk away.

Tortuga growled and toss a small pouch of doubloons. Chat Noir caught it without looking behind him. Chat smiles and go follow Tortuga to his captain quarters. It was a mess at the table, maps piling up a barrel, books scattered on the floors, and broken glass from a vase. The bed was at the corner with luxurious blankets they stolen from their escapes. Chat went to the table and open a secret opening. Almost like a painting hiding a piece of wall, the table slides showing puzzles of a map. The map was complete except for one piece. Chat pull out the map and pass it to Tortuga. He then gently got the piece and focus it on the incomplete map. He fixed it and The guys grin a large smile at each other.

"Finally!! No more making dumb deals for the map!" Chat smiled and realize his scarf is heavy.

He set his scarf on the table and unwrapped it. Doubloons, jewelry, fruits, and the compass spilled out. Chat started to pick at his treasure and pull out the compass to show Tortuga.

"Aye, do you think that actually works?"Tortuga teased.

"I don't know. Give it so I can check it out," Tortuga toss it and Chat caught it. The compass didn't look like an ordinary compass. The case was made of dark stone, the arrow board was diamonds, and the arrow had a skull in the middle, "You think it's worth anything?"

"That rubies look promising but I think that seadog was all bluff,"  Tortuga suggested as Chat Noir set the compass on the table and pull out his journal. He starts to re-draw the map completely and Chat went to work on the navigation on the course.

Chat look at some maps to see which map is more connected, "Now we can set course."

"Do you think we can find the extra piece, that Dake was talking about?" Tortuga asked.

"Well, he might be pulling our leg to send us on a wild goose chase," Chat says.

"A moving piece... Maybe it's where the map was first made." Tortuga figured.

"We'll take a look. Either way, the crew didn't get any new weapons and I don't think he heard that myth part right," Chat says while studying the map.

 "Aye, while we're going there we can disturb the prince of the confederation."

"So it's going to be a family reunion," Chat laughed and thought out loud as he traces out the map mumbling, "Where do you find the mystery puzzle of Perla Stones?"

The compass skull eyes glowed red as a result of the question Chat said. As he continued to write in his journal the notes and the map. They didn't realize the compass arrow started to spiral on its own until it points in the direction they were heading. The waves crashed against the sides are of the Kwami, rocking the ship like a tiny cradle in the vast ocean. The sunlight in the fog shone on the deck, giving the timber a lustrous shine. Not a single cloud could be seen but the faint fog- it was a beautiful day laced with the cool breeze of the gentle wind.

"Ahoy throws the net there a storm of fish below," Kim yelled as he dragged out the net.

"Fish!!" Max yelled, "Again!"

"Next time we port don't take a nap and you go to the butcher!" Ivan yelled back annoyingly.

"Fine!" Max complains as he helps throw the net.

They anchor the net down and it quickly filled the net full of fish. The guys heave the large load and notice there was a bigger fish in it. "Mate, do you cook dolphin?" Kim yelled.

"Not really," Ivan said questionable as he looked at the load to see the dolphin

"That no fish guys," Max said as they carried the net higher.

"Dude it's a girl!" Kim yelled.

"Captain permission to bring her up!" Max said.

"What are you guys talking about? What girl what dolphin?" Tortuga said as he climbs the ropes to view the deck. Tortuga's eyes popped, "Chat get your tail up here!"

Chat groans from the captain quarter and climb up the stairs, "Aye what the commotion?" He yelled and soon saw an angry mermaid in the net. 

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