Anwsers to The Questions

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"here we are kid." The tall skeleton spoke as he opened the door to the house. It was familiar, Brown walls and floors, a rock on a plate on the table, a lumpy green couch, "just let us know if any memories come back, kay?" The shorter one spoke, she nodded slowly "OH GOODIE OUR GUEST AS ARRIVED!" A loud voice boomed from the kitchen, she turned her head to see a taller skeleton, about Gasters height, he held a positive aura about him "HELLO HUMAN, I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" He took long strides over to her and picked her up in a hug which she giggled at and smiled. He was, like the other two, familiar in an odd sense. Like she knew him but he wasn't what she was use to.

"easy pap, no need to break her." The taller sans spoke "OH OF COURSE DUST, MY APOLOGIES HUMAN, I HOPE I DID NOT HURT YOU." Papyrus placed her down on the ground as she shook her head no, "GOODIE, OH UNDYNE WANTED ME TO VISIT, SHE HAS A SURPRISE FOR ALPHYS I MUST HELP HER PREPARE FOR, I WILL BE OFF FOR NOW, I WILL BE BACK. THERE IS SPAGHETTI IN THE FRIDGE." He headed towards the door "OH AND HUMAN PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME!" With that he left her with the two skeletons.

"sit down kid let's talk." The shorter plopped on the couch lazily.  "don't you mean we talk, she listens?" The taller snorted picking her up gently and sitting down on the lumpy couch placing her on his lap facing the shorter. "you don't remember anything correct?" The shorter asked looking at her through his peripheral vision, she shook her head no and scooted around getting comfortable in the lap. "i guess we should start from the beginning, do the names Dust and Geno ring a bell? probably not, but those are our names.."  "the names you gave us." Dust interrupted "don't interrupt me." Geno barked "anyway...."

Your P.O.V~

I did all that? I don't remember any of it. "see it took us a while to realize what had happened. when everything started back up again, a lot of the AU Sanses, and swap Papyruses felt something was missing, that we were forgetting something important..." "or someone." Dust chimed in "so we met up, don't ask how, a story for another time. but we met up and talked about it, we agreed something was missing and we talked to Ink, he basically looks over the AUs, he said he felt the same and new someone that could help. so he sent us to Reapertale, he said that before everything was rewritten the Sans there had to search for Life who had been killed by some human, those details are fuzzy for a lot of us. point is, we thought he could find you, and he did." Geno shrugged "my turn." Dust spoke up "we told him we were looking for someone or something, that we were missing in our memories, ya see we remember the possible genocide routes where a human slaughtered all monsters, but just me and Geno remembered that, no other Sans or Papyrus does, but once we mentioned to Reaper Sans he seemed to put something together instantly. don't know what, didn't ask." Dust shrugged as Geno nodded "he brought your SOUL to us, it was dull and encased in a shield of very intense magic so we took it to... well our younger self, the one that worked with Gaster before he vanished and they said they could recreate your body, so they did. you've been asleep for a very long time kid." He finished handing me a pencil and paper "ya remember how to write? any questions at all ask away." He waved his hands I instantly wrote my question Geno leaned over to read my question "oh well Reaper Sans can't touch anything without killing it, he is death after all, but you were the first thing he could touch that didn't die. that's how we know you're what we were looking for." Geno stood "be right back getting some ketchup." He headed into the kitchen.

Over some time everything settled in, I rewrote the world to give the monsters a happy ending, Geno and Dust remember the genocides, and once the monsters got freed this 'resets' stopped happening, everyone gets their happy ending. They mention an Error Sans and Nightmare Sans, they said they weren't a problem anymore but I feel that they might be wrong. I need my memories.

Turns out we are in Genos home, he and Paps found a home that looked like their old one but had some more room, Dust visits often along with the other AU skelebros, they all know each other, due to wanting to find me and according to Geno they were actually all due for another visit to Inks house now that I was found, they wanted answers. But I can't help them, not without my memories. When I asked them this they said they found a way for me to get my memories, but to wait for the visit, that way we can all get our answers and they can ask me questions on it, I don't know why, but I am very excited for this visit.

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