Summing it up

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All characters used in this series, belongs to their rightful owners. I own no one and nothing but the main story ideas, even you dear reader I do not own.

Reader is semi loli/lolita stuck in a 12 year old body (How fair.)


Did you know a SOUL can last with just its frame? Did you know SOULs actually exist? She knew neither of these things, but she found out. When HE should up one day in her home and never left, instead he made himself comfortable and used the machines and devices that littered the halls and rooms of the run down abandoned hospital, miles from any town or city in all four directions. she had been playing with a stuffed bunny that she had found in the woods, turned out to belong to a kidnapped little girl, she didn't need it anymore anyway. So she sat in one of the many halls of the building playing when a strange sound echoed through the halls, it was a light tap then a swoosh before a strange skeleton showed up he wore a black lab coat and had two scars, the one from his right eye went up to form a crack on his head, the other is below his left eye down to his mouth.

He had looked at her with dull eyes of sorts, he was familiar to her in a way. She stood up slowly not moving her gaze from him and tilted her head, he followed her actions and stood tall, the girls child size was topped by his height, maybe 6 feet tall compared to her? "Where am I?" He asked calmly, his voice was deep "My home." She answered kindly still a little wary of him, the familiarity of him stopped her from being truly afraid, if she didn't seem to know him she surely would had run away. He turned on his heel and explored, the little girl followed with curiosity, he explored every room and hall, down to the cafeteria to the surgery rooms.

That was years ago, a curious girl of 8 turned into a 17 year old tortured soul who questioned her purpose in lifes game. He ran test after test on her fragile form, he rebuilt machines and cleaned the surgery tools, somehow even managed to get dangerous chemicals. She never knew what he did to her, sometimes he was nice and put her out with anesthesia, other times he gave her laughing gas but she was wide awake and felt it all. One incident that stayed with her the most, was the day she found out souls exist and she no longer possessed one.

He had strapped her down like always, but no laughing gas, no anaesthesia. She had stopped caring years ago, she was done trying to make him stop, he wouldn't listen, she stopped caring about life in general and only stayed because every time she tried to end it, he was always there before the chair was kicked back, or the knife could touch flesh. So she laid still as the leather bruised her skin once more, he walked around getting what he needed before looking at a clipboard with interested eyes. His gaze moved to her and without words he placed his hand over her chest as a light glowed, it was purple and grew as he pulled his hand back till a purple heart floated above her, her eyes widened at the sight, it clicked suddenly, she's seen this heart before, in a game she illegally downloaded on one of the working computers "Undertale" over the years she never thought of that game again, it was still on that computer with her last save, True Pacifist route all the way to the end, once beaten she never touched it again.

This monster was THE W.D. Gaster, the old royal scientist, "The man who speaks in hands." Not much was ever truly known about him, so many theories were made just for him alone, some very convincing. She was pulled from her ranting thoughts as she felt a sharp pain, looking down she saw her soul had been impaled with a strange  machine, he had been working on it for weeks. It looked like a gun of sorts but the barrel ended with needles in a heart shaped pattern, and when you pulled the trigger it tightened them around whatever was grabbed.

She cried out in pain, the needles had just gone half an inch from the edge of the soul, ran all the way through and started squeezing it, she started to tear up but her restraints kept her from moving "This only hurts more if you move." Gaster sighed without any true care for her pain, a soft pop was heard and he pulled the whole thing away tearing the middle of her soul out leaving a heart shaped frame with no middle, it dripped as if bleeding, it's color started to slowly fade till it was white, the only sounds were her soft pained panting and scribbles with a pen on the clipboard "I knew it, humans are so interesting. They can still live with just a frame and not the whole soul. Tell me, are you still in pain?" He looked at her as he put the gun down "Its dulled down." She whimpered, her body had started going numb and she started to feel empty, on the cusp of lifelessness before she finally passed out, her tears finally falling down her cheeks.

That was the day she lost emotions, she still had them to an extent, she knew what they were and remembered how they felt, but that was all. Just memories. They no longer dwelled within her since she lost that whole fragment of her soul. The experiments got more physical to her soul, Gaster loved testing its limits with its new form and he had discovered the soul limited a humans magic capabilities, the fact a human can heal scars and bruises were actually their magic, people seeing dead people or speaking to the dead or future seeing, that was their magic, all limited by their soul and splitting it the way Gaster had, had broken that fence and let if flow like a river, it took years to master what she had, gravity manipulation, illusion casting and cliche enough, x-ray vision, not like seeing skeletons, but seeing through walls and boxes and such, she could only see through one layer of things, like clothes, talk about picturing the audience in their underwear.

Your P.O.V

I trudged back into my room caring a freshly made butterscotch cinnamon pie, it had recently played Undertale, True Pacifist route again, and got a craving for it. I looked up the recipe and made it before training with Gaster. My room is just a big storage unit with a mattress, three thin sheets and few pillows and a computer, my phone lay on the pillows with my headphones near by. I put the pie down on the tile floor near the bed and sat down, I just got back from Illusion practice. I made Gaster see thirty fluffy bunnies and a few face huggers from Aliens before he made me stop. It was a long practice, he just loved testing my new limits. I plopped down on my 'bed' and logged on to the computer, today I have decided I am leaving. I can't end my life now like I tried in the passed,  it seems humans really are immortal when they are missing a huge fucking chunk of their soul. I no longer can die, at least not at a fast pace, I still age but slowly... very slowly, so slowly that I a 17 year old teenager dwells with in a 12 year olds body, the moment Gaster pulled my soul out my body stalled in aging and now I'm a damn lolita bitch.

I even dressed like it to try to bring myself joy, reading, games, art, eating, none brings me positive emotion or feelings. It's an empty stillness ever since I lost my very essence of being. But today, I'm leaving, I have hid an ability of mine  from my dear mad skel-ontist, an ability I accidentally found when I had to use the bathroom late at night. I had teleported into a bathroom, used it and spend all night, and all month since, to master it. I found out its limits and I managed to find out, I can teleport to other dimensional plains, it is a short window and takes a lot out of me, but well worth it if I can truly leave.

That night I dressed up like my dear loli self, I wore black combat boots with white fluff on the back all the way to the heel and up and around the top, those cute kitty socks that go to my thighs, a three layered goofy skirt, the top layer was black, middle white then last is black again, a dark purple tank top that would match my soul had it had color anymore, and a thick black hoodie with fuzz around the hood, the hoodie only covered just below my ribs and had no sleeves, I even wore fingerless gloves "Yep totally a punk loli." I spoke blankly I turned in my mirror I made these clothes from bed sheets and dye I asked Gaster to get me on one of his trips out, I never knew what he did out and about, he always came back with materials and food he knew I needed to eat, he needed his lab rat alive after all. I stuffed my necessities into my bag, a dress and few other clothes, some snacks and my phone, charger and headphones even a solar powered charger just in case. I mean no sun where I'm going... yet, but gotta be prepared. I left a note on the computer, it was simple.

"Thanks for the powers, be sure to use them wisely. Don't let the government catch ya. <3"
       ~(Y/N), your dearest lab rat

I double checked and made sure I had everything before I nodded my head with a forced smile, I lifted my hand up and dragged my pointer figure through the air as a slit opened up in reality and opened up to a back vast abyss "Bye world." I muttered as I stepped through the threshold and into the abyss. The portal closed behind me and I walked into an empty space, I looked around to find anything just as I heard a familiar attack, I couldn't react fast enough and a swoosh sounded came from behind me as I felt a stab in my leg, on impact I fell down and looked down to see a bone, a whole bone, that didn't belong to me, sticking out of my calf as more were shot and pinned my hands.

"How did you get in here?"

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