34- I don't feel like watching the prelims

Start from the beginning


"Sauske Uchiha VS. Yoroi Akado ." Hayate called them down.

I sighed and before Kakashi or Sauske could move I appeared by Sauske.

"Don't underestimate your opponent, and think you're too good for them. You can't use your shirrangian thanks to the mark." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

He looked at me alittle shocked but Hn'd. Kakashi appeared behind him.

"If the mark activates, I'll end the match." He said.

"Hn..." Sauske said narrowing his eyes, not willing to give up.

"Alright, go get him, and watch out for his chakara eating." I replied and went back to the stands, leaning on the wall tiredly. My phone in my hands. I slid it open and shut anxiously, closing my eyes as I felt uncomfortable with the area around me.

Sighing I opened my eyes. Looking around. I went to the hokage. He looked up at me, raising his eyebrow in a mock manor of 'Whats up?'

"I don't want to be here..." I whispered to him.

"Why? Is there going to be something wrong?" I shook my head no.

"I already saw the prelims. Sauske wins, Neji wins, Naruto wins, Kankuro wins, Temari wins, Gaara wins, Shino wins, Shikamaru wins, and thats it from the top of my head. Now! I want to go."

"Why do you want to go? Where are you going?"

"Its boring here! I already watched these fights! And I dunno, probably just walking around and training." I replied truthfully bored. He raised his eyebrow but called for an Anbu.

"Please watch Asoka's movements." He said.

I gave them a dull look. "Thanks for being truthful and straightforward." I said rolling my eyes.

"Your welcome." He replied with a smile. I sighed, giving up with the confusing old man.

~ ~ ~ FF ~ ~ ~

The Anbu walked behind me, grumbling underneath his breath.

I began humming a song in my head in pure boredom.

My sword out, facing the tree. I sent in chakra to the sword, a green glow surrounded the blade. I cut at the tree, the green glow seemed to be thrown at the tree, and cut through the trees following it.

They fell to the floor with a loud thud, making the birds around it fly away with loud screeches.

"Whoa." I breathed out. It was like an attack from Bleach...

I turned around to see the Anbu standing there. He did hand signs and chakra went to his hands, forming nail-like items.

"I do belive I would have a use for you.." I recognized the voice as Kabuto's.

"Cab driver? No thanks." I said rolling my eyes. My sword in my hands, ready for a fight.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself." Kabuto said, his voice sounded alittle more slithery. "I am Orochimaru." He said taking off his mask. A cold shill zipped down my spine making me spazz alittle. He raised an eyebrow on his pale face.

"Hello Orochi-moo-moo. Weird name, considering you specialize in pedophiling snakes." I said easily, but unknowing to him I reached into my pocket to grab a kunai. It was held firmly. I can't fight long distance, even with my experience with swords, this new thing isn't perfected yet.

I jumped back throwing the Kunai at the Sanin. He deflected it. I charged my sword as the Kunai fell to the floor, but threw another Kunai, distracting him. It was fully charged and I flicked my sword towards him. The green chakara materialized and was thrown at him. He ducked and ran at me. Two Kunais in my hand. I deflected both with my sword. Ducking and kicking upwards into his jaw.

He fell back and hissed. He continued attacking me with Kunais. I continued deflecting, adding chakara to the blade, trying to keep it unbreakable.

He threw a Kunai at my feet and went to attack my head. I jumped to the side and back, side stepping away from him. Another Kunai came my way, but I wasn't ready and it stabbed below my knee. The pain made me fall onto it. I cursed and felt myself activate my Kekkai Genkai.

I'd know if my Kekkai Genkai was on, if I could feel the plants. As if they were an extension of myself. Limbs that I never knew were there, were now movable, by thought.

The twin rose bushes appeared infront of me, back to back. Hikaru and Kaoru.

I stood up shakily, my hands on my sword.

"Come with me, and have a chance to live." He said with a smirk.

"So you can rape me? No thanks." I hissed angrily. My knuckles turned white from the way my hands were wraped around the handle of my sword.

He ran torwards me, Hikaru and Kaoru pushed him back. But their limbs were cut off by the sword that he brought out from his snake...that was in his throat.

The limbs regenerated slowly, green ooze creating new vines and roses, along with sharp thorns.

He ran torwards me, but Hikaru and Kaoru jumped in front of him, they were cut down in half. Before they could regenerate Orochimaru dashed in front of me. I blocked his strong blow with my sword. I heard a faint Tick. My arms burned and pulsed as each defend and attack rebounded onto my palms.

He stabbed powerfully, aiming for my stomach, I blocked it with my sword, angeling it, trying to send in more chakra.


A pain shot up from my stomach. I glanced down to see his sword half into it. I froze for a second, the pain unwilling to let me move.

I grabbed the sword and pushed it out of my stomach. He smiled evily and kicked me away, backwards, the twin plants by then had just regenerated and went to help me, catching me and softening my fall. Their thorns didn't hurt me.

My wound pulsed, burned and was numb at the same time. Tears blured my vision.

"You are so weak, not even worth killing." I heard the sound of a blade being picked up. Then a poof.

The adrenaline dissapeared, replaced with fatuige. I ignored the yells of my plant companions that told me to stay awake.

I didn't want to.

I just wanted to sleep...

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Kakashi POV (HA U thought I'd end it there?! :P)

I stared out the broken window where Kabuto dissapeared from.

Dang it. I lost him...

I turned around to see a bloody sword on the floor. Walking closer to it I saw two seeds that shriveled up and died. I saw it was Asoka's sword.

I quickly summoned Pakkun and he appeared.

"Yes sir?!" He asked.

"Help me locate Asoka." I said, anxious.

He sniffed and sniffed. Turned around, closed his eyes.

"At the training grounds."

*end chapter* 

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Too short? Gomenasai. I'm having some trouble writing, my mind is fried.

While you wait for more uploads, please check out my Alice in Wonderland fan fic. Its in progress, called "Spades and Hearts"

I'll be uploading that soonishh... (Perhaps Thursday I'm sorry that its long! D: I want it to be long?)








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