Chapter 4

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Yay! This is the part where I'm going to be the third wheel and it's gonna be fun and awkward at the same time, And I'm going to die at the end, oops! Did I spoil it? Don't worry I would be alive or dead, it actually depends of what I'm going to write.


Jeff's POV

"Why did my nose bleed? Ugh! I need to find a way to get out of this"I thought.

That girl finally leaves so I have a chance to find a way out of here, I wiggled around to get this thing around me.

I stand up and try to find something sharp to cut this thing open and when I'm free I will kill person in this damn shitty place!

I look around and of curse I can't open the door, I look on top of all the desks to find my knife.

"What are you looking for? "A familiar voice said.

I turned around and saw that little girl I met yesterday.

"What the he'll are you doing here!?!?" I yelled.

"Ummm... (Y/n) told me to watch you cause she knows you would do something dangerous and there you are, I saw you looking for something, something that you will use to escape"

"You don't know all of that"

"Well, I did! "

"This one is clever but not clever as that nurse"I thought.

I walk forward to my bed and sat down.

Your POV

I walk through the hallways leaving Luna to watch over Jeff and I really hope she will be ok.

I finally found Luis office, I knock on the door.

"Please Come in! "Luis said.

I opened the door and step inside, "Take a sit!"Luis said, I sat down.

"So, why am I here? "I asked.

"Ok (y/n)! Please come closer"

I feel uncomfortable so I asked why and he said it's something important, I move closer to him and he whispered something to my ear.

"(Y/n) I think you need live here, in this asylum there's plenty more room in here and-"I cut him off.

"Woah woah wait! You said I need to live here in this 'asylum' "

"Yes cause there's something dangerous coming for you and it only wants someone in here and it thinks that it's related to you... "

"Related to me, there's nothing related-"I stopped and realize that Luna is the only one who's close to me.

"Why does it needs someone close to me? "I asked.

"I can't tell you and if I do, everyone in this asylum will die and I don't want any lives will be taken by a killer,except for the person in the room 666"

"Wait! You mean Jeff"

"Yes and he's name is kinda familiar and I kinda heard it before"

I was about to asked a question to Luis until a phone is ringing, Luis pulled something in his pocket and it was a phone that has an unknown call.

"Ok (y/n), I think that's all the important things and be careful when you packed yourself the world is very dangerous "

I nodded and stand up,I was about to open the door until Luis stop me.

"Oh! And (y/n) you don't actually live here forever if I finish something very big, hard and dangerous to do so go on"

I opened the door and walk outside, I was very confused of why a person would kill Luna, I continue walk through the hallways again.

I opened Jeff's door and I saw Jeff cornering Luna.

"Jeff stop! "I yelled.

"Oh look who's back! The nurse who's stopping me torturing this little 12 year old girl"

"(Y/n)! Please help me! "Luna said while tearing up.

I pulled Jeff away from Luna, I rushed to Luna and hugged her.

"Luna are you okay? What did he do?" I asked so worried.

She didn't reply so I hugged her again and pull away, I glare at Jeff and he starts to do an insanely laugh. I rolled my eyes and take Luna to her room.

"Ok, Luna I have good news for you, I'm going to live hear but not forever if Luis finished something and guess what I can come here whatever you want me to"I said and Luna smiled wider.

I was happy that she's not scared anymore, I told her to stay here cause I want to have a serious talk with Jeff.

I went to Jeff's room and I suddenly heard sobbing, I look around of where sobbing was and I saw Jeff in the dark corner.

He whispered something "I'm s-sorry Liu..."he whispered and walk closer to him, I tapped his shoulder.

And he didn't turn around or say something, he just froze and stare at wall that said "Am I Beautiful?" And it's written in blood, I don't know where did he get it and maybe he cut himself.

I don't really care about him, He suddenly hit his head on the wall and repeatedly do it again and again.

I stopped him but he was too strong to stop him with, I backed away and leaving him until he smashed his head into pieces.

Yep! Your living in the asylum, anyways I've got good news, bad news and scary news.

The good news is tomorrow is going half day of school for us so maybe I have the time to finished the next chapter.

The bad news is I have to practice our 'cheer dance' in the afternoon and in the morning is our meeting about general cleaning.

The scary news is that I'm going to be stuck with idiots in real life, what a total nightmare.

Also I told you I either die or alive in the end.

Anyways that's all about it.

In Love With A Psychopath (Jeff The Killer x Reader) [LONG UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now