Back on the job

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"What is it that I am going to be doing exactly daddy?" June asks quietly as GD draws her onto his lap. She feels more uncomfortable than she usually does as he snuggles closer to him, his nose resting in the crook of her neck. He inhales her scent, not recognizing the fragrance at all. The truth is, it's new. She got it the last time she went out shopping with Jungkook. He had said that it smelt really good to him, so she bought it. She has been wearing it ever since then, her finding it refreshing as well as subtle.

In fact, GD has been noticing a few changes in June's overall appearance and attitude. For starters, her hair is different. It has been changed from the dark red that they had originally made her change it to. It is now dark brown with Carmel and blonde at the tips, that giving it a sort of gradient look. It makes her look more mysterious, the wavy locks of hair framing her face.

She also looks more mature than she did before. Whether it be from jobs that she has had or something that she did with her makeup, he doesn't know. All that he does know is that her new confidence is incredibly sexy, and he is wondering why he had tried to get rid of it in the first place. He likes how she holds herself now, it making her look more appealing in his eyes. They way that she does anything he says without questioning it is different as well. Before, she had done it with fear shining clearly in her eyes. Now, she does it, but he can tell that she is more confident in what she is doing.

She looks amazing in the black dress she is wearing, it accenting her curves in all of the right places. It isn't quite as short as he would have liked it to be, but the mesh material of the many cutouts it has makes up for it.

He loves the way her ass feels pressed against his lap as she sits down, him purposefully moving her hips around so that he can feel her more

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

He loves the way her ass feels pressed against his lap as she sits down, him purposefully moving her hips around so that he can feel her more. She winces at the way he is using her body for his own pleasure, but she doesn't say anything. She can't say anything, or else she would be punished accordingly. She just lets him do whatever he wants to do, her hands clenched tightly in front of her.

"You are here to be a distraction of sorts. Your job is to do everything in your power to make the people we are about to meet jealous of me. I want them to beg to have a night with you. We will be here in our own little corner while the rest of the guys talk it out. If no one asks to have you by the end of the meeting it's not gunna look good for you."

June nods her head as she gulps nervously at his words. She knows how GD can get over things like this. She is always told to make the other party jealous of what the guys have, being told to act as slutty as she can to make them crave her. She doesn't like doing this at all. She prefers doing what the guys of BTS had her do: stick to one of the guys while subtly drawing someone's attention. She doesn't like having to go all out with Big Bang, but she will do it. Her life is on the line, and she will do anything in order not to get killed.

She jumps when the door to the private room of the club they are in opens up, the rest of the guys coming in while they lead a group of guys into the room as well. She has no time to take in their appearances, GD forcefully pulling her face down to his. She lets his mouth move against her as the guys walk fully into the room, the voices dwindling down until they stop completely as they stop what they are doing to observe what is going on. Taeyang speaks to the room as a whole, going along with the plan.

"Don't mind our leader for right now. He and his new girlfriend are pretty much inseparable."

The other guys nod distractedly, still watching what is going on. June can hear the silence, deciding to take things a step further. They are far enough in the corner that they shouldn't distract everyone that much. Only someone really interested in seeing what she can do will actually be watching them now, so it is now her turn to give them a show. She reluctantly switches her position so that she is straddling GD's waist, her ass pressing down on the uncomfortably hard bulge in his pants. She puts both of her hands in his hair as she slowly grinds her hips against his, his hands gripping her ass.

She detaches their lips before taking a deep breath, attaching them to his neck. She hates doing this so much. She hates how she is practically humping him in public, but she really doesn't have a choice. She is all too aware of the gun that she can feel pressed against her left thigh. She leaves kisses along his neck as he breathes heavily, his head rolling back as he shuts his eyes and bites his lip. He wants to enjoy this for as long as he can before one of the guys decides to comment. He knows that at this point someone should be interested, so he doesn't have much more time.

June can't help but squeal when he slaps her ass harshly, her not expecting such an action. Her eyes are still side as he swings one of her legs back over to the other side, her legs now back together as she sits sideways on his lap. She sees the look in his eye and does what she knows he would want her to do, giggling superficially as she leans down to peck his lips. He brushes her hair away from her face as she leaves small kisses all over his lips and face, just waiting for someone to say something.

"Hey GD. You gunna share with us or what?"

And there it is.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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Stolen kiss: Jeon JungkookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang