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The seat is very uncomfortable. That's the only thing going on in June's mind, aside from what Jin told her. What did he mean by 'whatever you do, don't swallow'? That can be taken so many different ways. Nevertheless, she does not swallow her saliva, it pooling in a thin layer in the bottom of her mouth uncomfortably. She can't talk or else it would be noticeably seen from between her lips. She has no idea why she is doing this, but she will do as the older guy says as to not make him upset. It may be of some great importance.

She stiffens when JB's hand starts to play with the hem of the shorts on her romper. His hands are cold and clammy, his fingers brushing against her skin lightly. She doesn't know what to do or how she is supposed to act. With Bigbang, they had told her exactly what she was supposed to do if something like that happened to her while she was on the job. BTS hadn't said anything about this happening. She is totally at a loss for what to do. On one hand, she could pretend to like the attention and play right into his act. On the other hand, she is supposed to be acting like Jin's girlfriend. Maybe she should move his hand away.

She glances at JB as he smirks to himself, obviously proud of what he is doing. Does he really take pleasure in teasing girls who already have a significant other? She has encountered assholes like him before, but she still can't get over how foul and low she thinks they are. People make commitments for a reason, and trying to split them apart for your own personal pleasure is sickening to her.

His hands go higher and her eyes widen, still unsure of what to do. She looks across the way to Jin and he meets her eye. She glances down at her leg and his hand, motioning with her eyes what her dilemma is. His eyes immediately grow hard and cold, the muscle in his temple twitching. Is he just acting like a boyfriend would in this situation or is he actually angry? She doesn't know he answer. All she does know is that things are going to get tense.

"Yah! What do you think you are doing!?!"

Jin's yell attracts everyone's eyes. They stare from him to JB, who moves his hand to rest on June's knee instead. He tilts his head to the side tauntingly, a teasing smile gracing his lips.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he says calmly, his fingers stroking the skin of her knee as he does this. Jin stands with his fists clenched in anger.

"Don't touch my girlfriend like that you pig!"

JB responds by kissing her temple, not taking his eyes off of the raging BTS member. If he is getting this territorial over her, he wonders how good she actually is. Is Jin in love with the girl, or is she just a really good lay? She definitely looks sexy, even in a simple outfit like what she is wearing. Her makeup free face still captures his attention, his gaze wandering down to her plump looking lips.

"What? Oh, this?"

June holds in a gasp of astonishment as his hand slides all the way down to her crotch area. The guys all watch in disbelief as he rubs against the clothed area, not believing what he is doing. She squirms uncomfortably, getting up from her seat in an attempt to escape from his fingers. He stands up with her, his arm swinging around her shoulders as he steps behind her. He holds her from behind, one of his arms putting her in a sort of choke hold while the other reaches down to the gun stashed in his jacket pocket. She freezes as soon as the gun comes in sight, her mind not allowing her to continue to struggle. The room grows smaller and smaller and she has to take shallow breaths in order to continue standing. She doesn't want to get shot, not again.

"Ok, careful there. He didn't mean it" Namjoon says, coming forward with his hands raised in surrender. He stops when he hears the sound of the gun's safety coming off, the gun placed by June's temple.

"Oh I know. Here's the deal, I want June. You can have whatever it is you came here for if I get to keep the girl."

June's blood runs cold at his words. She can't believe what she is hearing. It seems like everywhere she goes someone takes her away. She had thought that she was going to like it with BTS, and now she's going to be taken away again. She doesn't want to stay with Got7. She doesn't like the way they stare at her with some much greed and hunger. She almost cries when Namjoon nods, not looking her in the eye. Was what they came for really that important that they would give her away without so much as a second glance?

JB chuckles in her ear, the sound low and threatening. He puts the gun back in his pocket as he turns her around, noticing how scared and small she looks.

"Don't worry babe. I'm going to take great care of you" he whispers, his hand holding her face in place. Her face screws up in discomfort as he kisses her, his tongue forcing itself into her mouth. She feels dirty and used, even more so than she had when Bigbang had first started using her body. His hands are all over her as she stands still, letting herself be toyed with. What else can she do? BTS didn't want her. JB will get angry if she refuses him this early.

JB stops, a choking sound coming from the back of his throat. June pulls away in confusion as he clutches at his throat in pain, his skin turning a sickly shade of purple. What's happening to him? He stumbles back as he coughs, a drop of blood appearing on the corner of his lips before sliding down to his chin. Her eyes widen in realization. That's why Jin told her not to swallow. She hurriedly spits out the contents of her mouth onto the ground, her eyes wide with horror as JB sways and falls on to his back. He twitches a little before lying still, the room silent. June looks up in shock as Taehyung grabs onto her hand, a gun held in the other.


Stolen kiss: Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now