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She shivers as his hands caress her face, his touching causing goosebumps to form on the surface of my arms. June's tears had stopped a couple of minutes ago, her body refusing to show him how weak she is. Fine. She'll play his little games. But only until she finds a way out of this hellhole.

"What are you thinking about baby?" GD croons, his lips puckered in fake concern. She gulps as he stares at her, seemingly looking right through her.

"It's nothing daddy. Just thinking."

He smirks at her, his satisfaction from hearing the name coming from her lips pleasureful for him. He loves the tingling sensation that forms all over his body when she calls him daddy, his lust for her sparking. How can one word feel so good?

"What am I going to be doing here?" she asks, her eyebrows meeting in the middle due to her confusion. Why would they kidnap her from off the streets if they didn't have a plan for her? She waits patiently as he stares at her, his lip captured between his teeth.

"You're gunna be our spokes girl" he says, a smirk on his face. The job is perfect for her. Who can say no to such a beautiful girl like her? She'll have them begging for her attention, allowing their gang to ride to the top.

"What's a spokes girl?"

He laughs at her question, the sound ringing in her ears. His laugh is actually soothing to her, greatly contrasting his threatening voice. His smile lights up the room, his straight teeth and red hair shining in the dim light. His answer cancels out all of the beauty she had seen in him though.

"You will basically be there so that we can convince people that we are the best. You will distract them with your looks, making people give in to our demands. If they want a date with you in return, we give them a date with you. If they want a night with you, well, I guess it's your lucky night."

Her eyes widen at what he is hinting at, her palms immediately getting sweaty. She had to sleep with someone if they ask for her? June's not a virgin, but she isn't sure how to feel about this. Sure, she doesn't find sex as intimate as a kiss, but she has her own reasoning for that. A kiss is not something that people have to do. You can have sex with someone without having it mean anything emotional. She feels like kissing someone is special. You can tell wether or not your relationship with someone is going to be long or good by kissing them. People can have sex anytime they want just so that they can feel good for an hour or so.

Even so, doing it with random strangers is different for her. She will do it though. If it means that she gets to live to see another day, she'll do anything.

"O-ok daddy. I'll do it."

GD raises an inquisitive eyebrow at the girl's quick response, pleased by her answer. He thought she was going to be like the last girl. She had begged and screamed when he had told her, giving him quite the migraine afterwords. She hadn't lasted very long. He's glad that she seems to be handling the need better. There's something different about this girl. He would hate to have to kill her so soon into knowing her.

"Good girl. Now, come meet the other people in our gang."

He takes her by the hand, hoisting her up. She lets a hiss of air escape her lips as she puts weight on her bruised leg, her teeth grinding together. He takes no heed to her being in pain, dragging her along the hallway as she limps behind him. They walk down the halls in silence, their footsteps and breath the only sound wringing throughout the empty walkway. We get to the guy still sleeping on the floor, GD kicking him awake.

"Why are you sleeping Taeyang?"

The new guy, Taeyang, stands up in a hurry. He bows his head apologetically, looking at June standing next to GD.

"What's your name gorgeous?" he asks as he brushes his pink hair back and off of his forehead. June glances at GD, stepping forward when he nods at her.

"I-I'm June...." she stutters nervously. She feels a nudge in her side as she falters, GD's murderous look prompting her to backtrack.

"I mean, I'm June. It's nice to meet you daddy."

Taeyang smirks down at her, chuckling at GD in amazement.

"Damn GD. You've got her trained already."

GD smirks in response, pulling her into a room with three other guys lounging around.

"Guys! This is June. She's our new spokes girl."

The others cheer and check her out, their smiles anything but welcoming and warm. A chill spreads through her body as she realizes just what she has gotten herself into. The room starts to spin and she feels faint, black spots dancing in front of her eyes. She stumbles slightly, her feet not cooperating with her at the moment. Her head feels light as she grabs onto GD's arm, tugging on his sleeve.


He totally ignores her, going about his business as if she hadn't spoken a word. She tries again, getting the same response as before.


He turns at this, his smirk symbolizing that he had heard her the whole time. His smirk fades as he realizes that she isn't well, her face paler than usual.

"What's wrong June?"

That's the last thing she hears before she collapses, her world turning black for the second time that night.

Stolen kiss: Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now