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He was frozen in shock. He didn't know what to do, how to react. He watched as her face came closer to his, his eyes widening considerably. The light from the club danced off her face, it making her eyelashes look longer as they rested on her cheeks from shutting her eyes so tight. Jungkook didn't know what to do when he felt her lips on his, the warmth of them traveling all the way down to his toes.

He had never been very responsive to these kinds of things, already used to the displays of affection from all the girls hanging around their gang's hideout. He was used to simply brushing them off, making sure they don't touch him again. Unless he felt the urge of course. He may not have liked affection, but he was still a hormonal young man. He was used to getting what he needed and leaving.

This was entirely different. He couldn't help the blush that appeared on his face when her lips pressed onto his, her hand on the back of his neck. The tingling sensation spread from his mouth and throughout his whole body, his feelings and emotions hitting him all at once like a tidal wave. He has a girlfriend. He shouldn't be feeling like this over a kiss from a stranger, but he does. He doesn't want to let go of this beautiful stranger, finding himself tangling his fingers in her hair.

June is surprised by this, pulling away from the boy in front of her. He surprises even himself by not letting her get away, holding her head in place as he tilts her head back further. His lips are the only thing she is focused on, them soft and strangely addicting. She doesn't even bat an eye when he deepens the kiss by tilting his head to the side, running one of his hands up her arm and around her waist.

She only seems to break out of the trance he had put her in when he runs his tongue across her bottom lip, asking for entrance. This has gone way too far. Her eyes immediately snap open, her mouth disconnecting itself from his with a loud smacking sound. She pushes against his chest and he lets go of her struggling body in shock, causing her to stumble back. Her eyes are wide as she brings one of her hands up to her face, rubbing them against her slightly-swollen lips.

"W-what was that f-for?" She stutters, her cheeks tinged with pink. The sight of the blush causes the slightest of smiles to appear on Jungkook's face before it disappears entirely, his cold front he puts up in front of others coming back tenfold.

"What do you mean 'what was that for'? You kissed me. Remember?"

She's at a loss for words at his frosty attitude, her guard going back up almost immediately. She's scared of this boy, his eyes piercing her heart like a thousand daggers. What if he's angry enough to hit me for what I've done? Be nice. Just be nice. Do that and he won't hurt you.

"I-I-I'm sorry. Hani told me to do it. I won't bother you again, I promise."

She smiles brightly before turning away from the scowling boy, walking at a fast pace to the exit.


She halts in place, her back ridged as the unknown boy stands in front of her.

"What's your name?"

She gulps nervously, glancing up to look him in the eye.

"June. My name's June. What about you? What's your name?"

He smirks at her before reaching out towards her face. She flinches as his warm fingers make contact with her cold cheek, the pads of them soft and smooth. He tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear, his touch lingering on her jaw line and chin.


With that, he walks away, leaving a stunned June behind him. She is jostled out of her daze by a high-pitched scream coming from the couches where she left girls from earlier.

Hani watched the whole thing with her nails digging into her palms. There are now bleeding crescent moons on the palms of her hands, her hands taking the brunt of her anger. She bites her lower lip in frustration as she witnesses her boyfriend kissing another girl. She wouldn't usually be upset by this. The guys in the gang were meant to be shared. She's used to random girls kissing him and then leaving. He has always pushed them away right after, not phased by the attention he would always receive.

No. She's upset that he is kissing the bitch back. He's supposed to push her away and glare at her for even attempting to touch him. He's supposed to come up to her and grab her hand, dragging her away so that she doesn't do something stupid to the girl who dared touch her man. He's supposed to scowl in annoyance, not draw her in closer. He seems to be enjoying himself, holding onto her around her waist. He has never kissed her like that, only allowing the occasional pecks from time to time. He said he just didn't like the feeling of other people's lips against his, but she guesses June is the exception.

"Yah! Jeon Jungkook!"

She screams in anger as she stomps up to where he is standing, his friends still patting him on the back because of what happened earlier. June watches from the exit, suddenly glad that she decided to leave. She didn't know that Jungkook was Hani's boyfriend. How could she have? If Jungkook was taken, why did Hani insist on her kissing him? It doesn't make any sense to her, and she decides to leave before anyone notices she's gone.

The air outside is cool, but not unbearable. The rain had thankfully stopped, giving the poor girl a break from the downpour from earlier that night. She walks down the street with her hands in her pockets, her head facing the sky as she counts the stars. She isn't looking where she is going, causing herself to bump into someone. She bows in apology, hoping the man will let it go gracefully. It seems like nothing is going right for her tonight.

"Yah! Watch where you're going whore!"

She gets heated at the remark, her eyes hard despite the smile she forces herself to display. Her mother may have been one, but she will never be. She will never stoop so low as to sell or abuse the worth of her own body. She will never become who her mother is now.

"I'm sorry sir. Is there anything I can do to make up for my mistake?" she asks from between her teeth, wanting nothing more than to punch him in his pudgy stomach and run away. He smirks at this, using his hand to scratch at his side as he thinks. His eyes move somewhere behind her, then widen with fear. She doesn't know what caused him to look like that, and she doesn't want to find out.

She's startled when he suddenly turns and runs away, leaving her standing in the middle of the walkway. Her breathing picks up as a shadow appears before her on the ground that is not her own. Chills run up and down her spine as the newcomer's breath hits the back of her neck. She can't breath. She can't move. She's too frightened to do anything as she is forcefully turned around, coming face to face with a tall stranger with light blue hair.

"Hey beautiful. You'll do nicely."

The scream that has built up in her chest is lost in her throat as a black cloth covers her mouth and nose, blocking everything else out. She can feel her eyes dropping as she inhales, her brain shutting down. Everything is blurred and fuzzy until she slumps into his waiting arms, darkness overtaking her senses.

Stolen kiss: Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now