Chapter XIX: New 'old' friends

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"Marion! It's good to see you haven't been tricked by the 'rebel' Sanctum yet." This is Trinity. She has been my friend since I joined the Rebs. "Trinity! Are you finally an alpha?" I teased. "I could ask the same of you!" She exclaimed. I told her about my dad and how I became alpha and how Tyler is the alpha male. "You and Tyler?!" She looked at her boyfriend and dived into her 'I told you so' speech. We said our goodbyes to Trinity and left. We found some motorcycles on the way back and rode them to the safe house. Both squads were waiting for us at the door. "Report." I said and they told me that there were a few squatters here, but they moved out as soon as they had food. We were stocked up thanks to Squad 2. I told them we found some allies and sent them to get some rest. Lalo pulled me to the side and asked me something. "Mari, you know who my match is right?" I nodded my head and she sighed out of relief. "He is so cute and...I don't know if he likes me...I think i'm annoying him." As soon as I heard that little tidbit, I dragged her out of the room and towards Tristan. "Mari...what are you...?" I tapped on his shoulder and said "Match made!!!" And ran away laughing. Lalo is glaring daggers at me and Tyler is laughing with me.

Tyler and I snuck around the corner to spy on them and found them hugging and Tristan winked at me. I pulled Tyler back around the corner and did my happy dance. "Tyler they're adorable!" Tyler smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Just like you." Aww...dangit. He made me blush. Way to go Tyler. Lalo came around the corner and muttered 'PDA' under her breath so I simply said "Oh sure. What you and Tristan were doing isn't PDA." She blushed and ran back to our room. Tyler was laughing so hard he fell on the floor and was rolling around. "SHUT UP TYLER!" Lalo yelled from upstairs.

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