Chapter XIII: The mission

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Two weeks come and go like minutes. Next thing I know, today is the mission. Tyler is going to waltz in and take his father some lunch (with sleeping powder) and we'll bag up the major and carefully sneak him out with the garbage. No, it didn't take two weeks to plan this. It took two weeks to study his schedule and make the sleeping powder strong enough. Jacob will be in a garbage collector while Tristan, Lalo, and I will be waiting for the all-clear. Tyler and Tristan will carry the major out and into the truck while Lalo and I look for the mind-wiper. Yes, those exist. Only the major has access to high tech stuff like the mind-wiper. Mind-wipers let you choose what the victim can remember. The major uses it for cases where a suspect doesn't cooperate.

Lalo, Tristan, and I walked in claiming I needed to speak with the major and that they were my bodyguards. We all piled into the elevator to go up to the top floor. I pushed the com on the door of the major's office and a voice from the inside said "generosity is rewarded." The signal. "Indeed it shall be." I replied and the door opened. The major was asleep on his desk with his face in his food. I snickered and walked over to him. I checked his pulse. Still alive. Good, Jacob measured the correct dosage. Breathing? Softly. Conclusion: Asleep. I handed Tristan the bag and they bagged him while Lalo and I got the mind-wiper. I gave it to Tyler who had changed into a garbage man outfit. We all got into the elevator and weren't noticed downstairs at all. We met up at the meeting house and locked the major up. Then, like we do best, we celebrated. Mission complete. 

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