Chapter XV: Family ties

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"Hello Father."

"Hello Marion. I see you're doing well." "What do you want?" He shifts his weight from one foot to the other. "Your mother and I...wanted to apologise for everything. We miss you and want to be a family again." I scoffed and slammed the door. Tyler asked who it was so I said my father and went to my bedroom. I sat in my blue hanging chair and grabbed this journal. Tyler came through the door behind me a second later. "What is that?" He asked. I told him about the journal and how I had been writing in it for a while. " Still being a rebel I see." I heard from my window. In one motion I grabbed my pistol off the desk, loaded it and aimed at my father. Tyler had grabbed his and was aiming at my father as well. "Now, now. No need to be so hostile." "Why are you really here?" I asked. "Marion! Is that any way to treat family? Why did you slam the door?" I gritted my teeth and shot the tree to the side of him, missing his skull by an inch. "You're not family. I saw that you became the major's little lap dog. Now i'll ask once more: Why are you really here?! And you better answer or next time I won't miss." He took a deep breath before answering. "The major has been taken as you may know. You're part of an organization of rebels. Therefore, I have reason to believe that you were behind this." Stay calm, remember your training. "I'm sorry. We dislike the major, but we neither have the manpower or the resources to pull off something like that." He studied me to see if I was lying. "Hmm... you're right. Well, if it wasn't you, then who?" I kept my poker face and said "try sanctum 83." And shut the window. "Um...there is no sanctum 83 Mari, why did you...?" "I planted a tracker down in old Oklahoma back when we still lived there. Emergency precaution." I explained. "What do we do now?" Tyler asked. "We go dark."

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