Chapter XVIII: @#$%!

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The air horn went off and everyone jumped to their feet. Well, everyone except Tyler. He can sleep through anything. Tristan was cursing and the entire Sanctum was mad. I hid the air horn under Tyler's arm so everyone was pissed at him but he couldn't hear any of it. Tristan woke him up and i tried to get everyone's attention. "Well now that everyone's AWAKE!" I yelled over them. They all stopped and looked at me. "We're here ladies and gentlemen. I have organized groups to go ahead and scout out the path to the safe house. If you see any other Rebs, ask what Sanctum they're from. Remember, 27 is a no-go. Squad 1 will go ahead. Squad 2 will find essentials. I will lead squad 3 and see if we can make friends." The sanctum rushed out of the carriage and went to their jobs.

Squad 3was composed of Tyler, Lalo, Tristan, Jacob and a few others. The golden team. We went to the last known location of the main southern sanctum. Word has been spread that #27 is going south to eliminate the Rebs, but we won't go down without a fight.

I got a call from squad 2 and they raided a run-down grocery store. We walked up to an orphanage and rang the doorbell. "Who's there?" someone asked from inside. "Generosity is rewarded." I replied and the door opened. "Welcome back Marion!"

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