Chapter III: The order

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Welcome back to insanity readers! I'm currently sitting in my Hovercraft 2.1 waiting for date #2 to show up but he's currently thirty minutes late. I think this one's going to be a no-show, everyone. Check number two off my list, one step closer to meeting the major! I can't wait to finally be done with all of this. I'm technically of age to be courted, but i'm only seventeen. Girls should be courted on their sixteenth birthday, but there was no match for me to be courted with. Nothing.

When my father contacted the order to see if something was wrong, they said that it was impossible for me to be courted because there wasn't a match in their database. Word eventually got around the neighborhood that I didn't have a match and from there, it spread like wildfire. Until, at last, it got to school. People started teasing me about being, as the ancients once said, "forever alone." Even my own family thought I was a disgrace. So I moved out. Girls aren't supposed to move out until their match claims them and they get married, but if you couldn't tell by the first two entries, i'm a bit of a rebel. So what now you ask? Well, it's obvious this guy isn't showing up. Might as well go home. I know what you're (probably) thinking, "where does Lalo fit into the timeline?"

Well, Lalo was the first friend I had at school. She was my friend then, and (surprisingly) still is. I have no clue why she decided to stick with me all these years, but i'm glad she did. I still go to school, but it's been different since my 16th birthday. People look at me like i'm a threat. Like i'm the "bad girl" at school. And, in a way, I kinda am.

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