It's just you and me doll.

Start from the beginning

The ref held my arm up for the victory then the lights went out. I can't say I didn't expect it. I grabbed the refs arm tightly for safety, he didn't seem to budge. The titantron lit up to show a laughing Bray Wyatt who's in a dark room. The camera zoomed out, all three members of The Shield were laid on the floor. My heart sunk. "It's just you and me doll." Bray let out a sick laugh. The camera cut out and the lights went back on. 

Oh my god. I dragged the ref up the ramp with me. "Help me find them!" I yelled in desperation. The backstage area has an eerie emptiness. The superstars were quiet and in shock. "They're in one of the extra rooms, follow me." The ref spoke and led me down the hall. Before we made it far Harper attacked the ref and I was grabbed from behind and pulled into one of the empty rooms where a dark creepiness filled the room.

"Oh darling, that was almost too easy." Brays sick voice spoke from behind me. "Fuck you." I spat and turned around to face him. I can't see him but I can hear and feel his presence. My stomach felt sick. He pinned me against the wall, his large stomach pressed against mine and his face way too close for comfort. His hot breath tickled my neck. I squeezes my eyes shut.  "I like you Adalia, I really do. I don't want to hurt you but I will if I have to." He whispered releasing his hold on me.

"You know what, do what you have to do but leave them out of it!" I could feel my body begin to shake. I don't care anymore. I've been stupid trying to stick up to Bray Wyatt, everybody was right. Now innocent people are getting hurt because of me. I deserve whatever he does.

He let out a quiet laugh and pushed the hair out of my face with his fingers. I inhaled a deep breath. "Oh I will." All of a sudden his lips pressed against mine. I tried to push him away but he's too strong. I'm gonna be sick. My body began to shake out of control and my hands began to sweat. He freed his hand and ran it up and down my bare stomach toying with my top. It suddenly got hard to breathe and my body feels weak. I'm gonna pass out.

I woke up on the floor. The light burns my eyes. It took me a minute to figure out what had happened and where I am. I'm alone, thank god. A nauseating feeling had settled in my stomach. Bray Wyatt just kissed me. I wiped my lips viciously with my arm wiping off any of the red lipstick I had on from my match. My body is still shaking and my legs are weak.

I managed to get to my feet and out into the hallway. I need to find the boys. I pushed open every door in the hallway but they're all empty. I heard a faint groaning and followed the sound down the hallway to find only Dean in the room. He's badly hurt.

"Dean?" I knelt down next to him. The rooms torn apart and there's steel chairs thrown around. "Thank god you're okay." He pulled himself up into a sitting position and wiped his bloody mouth. "Are you okay?" I asked trying to help him to his feet. He nodded. "You're shaking." He pushed off of me and leaned against the wall. Why is he so worried about me? He's the one that needs to get to the doctor.

"What happened to you?" I asked. "The Wyatts attacked me and the boys then Bray wanted his revenge. He did exactly what I did to him, to me." He spit blood onto the floor and wiped his mouth. His forehead is busted open as well, a nasty dark bruise is already beginning to form above his right eye which is almost swollen shut. "Stop looking at me like that, I'm fine." He said angrily.

I hoisted his arm over my shoulder and led him into the hall. "Dammit Adalia, stop." He pulled his arm off of me and tried to stand on his own barely able to do it. "What did he do to you?" He asked with anger in his voice. I don't want to talk about it. "Nothing." I lied, very badly. "Bullshit." He yelled. "What the fuck happened to you?" He stared into my eyes and gripped my shoulders tightly. "He forced himself on me and kissed me. I had a panic attack and passed out." I said quietly feeling ashamed. He was quiet for a minute processing. "I'm going to kill that motherfucker." He yelled and limped down the hall away from me.

"First you need to get to a trainer." I grabbed his arm. He yanked it way from me and stared at me like he's disgusted. "He could have raped you Adalia." He stared into my eyes. "But he didn't." I stared back. "That's not the fucking point." He said angrily. 

I could hear a fight happening down the hallway. It's them. Roman and Seth were attacking Rowen and Harper. The backstage is torn apart. They're okay, I let out a sigh if relief. "Oh thank god." Seth smiled when he saw me and held me in his arms. "You two okay?" I asked and looked up at Seth who looked pretty damn okay. "We're fine. Bray took Dean, he wanted to talk him personally. We can't find him." Concern filled his voice. "He's in the trainers room." 

"Tell Seth what he did to you." Dean stared me down with a look of disgust. I glared back at him. I didn't want Seth to find out. Seth shot me a worried look. "He forced himself onto me and kissed me. I had a panic attack and passed out. Woke up he was gone." I stared at the ground as I said it. If I wasn't so weak I could have fought out of it.

Seth's worried look turned into anger. "I'll fucking kill him." He yelled. His fist connected with the concrete wall. I've never seen him so angry. He ran his now bloody hand through his messy hair. "Seth stop I'm okay." I grabbed his arm and he pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm sorry I wasn't there." He spoke into my hair.

RAW has another hour to go before we can leave and it's certainly dragging on. I just want to go back to the bus and sleep forever. My minds gone crazy and I don't know how much more it can take. Seth refused to leave me alone and even stayed with me in the locker room. We sat in catering for the rest of the night, and I ate away all of my nerves. I'll probably regret that in the morning.

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