Falling For a Hound

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Dean and Roman are in the living room watching a football game they DVR'd and Seth is making a snack in the kitchen. He's not really into football I guess. I laid in the bed staring at the ceiling thinking about that text AJ sent me. She knows she's in my head and she knows exactly what she's doing. She has a plan. All I'm doing is hiding. No plan. I'm pathetic.

Seth came back into the room with an extra sandwich that he handed to me. He's so sweet. He clicked on the TV and put on the news. I took a couple bites of the sandwich but I could feel my stomach not enjoying it.

"Dalia, what happened today? Something's on your mind. You're hiding something. I see it in those eyes." Am I that readable? Did he really just give me a nickname? I don't want to answer him. He put his sandwich down and looked at me.

"Adalia." He whispered. I opened the text message and let him read it. His eyes scanning over it a few times. "She's crazy. She has nothing on you, Dalia. Just some threat I doubt she could follow through with. You are a warrior and she's just an amateur that has a lucky streak. You can end that streak and you will." He spoke confidently. I wasn't so sure of his words. I gave him a weak smile and laid down on my side facing away from him.

Seth had gotten up a few times but was just getting under the blankets and flicked the tv off. A darkness filled the room and it made me feel vulnerable. I hate this feeling but all I can do is just feel it. I can't fight it. I need to one up this lunatic big time.

Seth moved around a little and I can tell he was facing me. I can feel his hot breath on the back of my neck. I wanted so badly to have his arms wrapped around me, I need that sense of security he gives me.

Screw it what's the worst that can happen? I moved my body so my back was pressed against his stomach. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. "You make me feel safe." I whispered.

The hallway is empty and cold, never seeming to end. She's close behind and my legs are close to giving out. My breathing is fast and heavy. I heard her crazy laughs close behind. I ran into a brick wall and collapsed onto my knees. Helpless. "Please, please. I give up. You win AJ." I screamed. She walked closer to me. A steel bat in hand, swinging it around like its nothing. She crouched down so she was at eye level with me. Her eyes filled with anger. "Babe, it's too late. You're a threat and I was told all my life to always eliminate the threat." She stood up and swung the bat straight into my ribs. Quick hits to my entire body followed, blood spattered along the walls. I screamed until my voice turned into a whisper and my vision went black.

"Dalia, hey it's okay." Seth spoke softly. I was crying hard. My body's shaking out of control and I can feel myself nearing a panic attack. I sat up quickly trying to avoid it but my breathing started to get heavy and it was soon hard to breathe.

Seth's arm wrapped around me holding me close to him. "Hey, it's okay. I'm right here. Everything is okay." His voice whispered. I couldn't steady my breathing and I felt the nausea creep up my throat.

I barely made it to the toilet in time. Seth was holding my hair back and rubbing my back. "Its okay sweetheart." He said softly. I felt like I was going to choke to death, my breathing wouldn't steady and throwing up was not helping at all. I felt weak and dizzy.

Seth filled a glass of water and sat down on the bathroom floor with me. I took small sips and the cool water felt good on my burning throat.

I hate panic attacks. I stopped having them two years ago when I joined the WWE. Fighting takes my mind of everything. But before that I would have one or two a day for 6 months straight. It was because I watched my mother die. The image of her cold lifeless body haunted me for months. These panic attacks aren't the same and not nearly as bad but they are still shit. I can't wait to get back in the ring. My future opponents are in for a vicious beating.

I told Seth I needed a minute. I just need to clean up. I stared at my reflection as I brushed my teeth. Helpless. Pathetic. Weak. I wanted to knock my reflection out so bad. That isn't me.

I crawled into bed, this time facing Seth. He didn't ask any questions but I could see them in his eyes. My body was still shaking gently. "AJ was beating me with a metal bat. It scares me because I could expect that from her one day. She's psycho enough." I stared at his chest while I talked. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest, his lips brushed against my forehead. His warm body settled my shaking quickly. "You're going to beat this battle, Adalia. I know you will. We know you will." He spoke confidently, his hot breath against my forehead. I nuzzled my face into his warm chest feeling his heart beat. I could lay like this forever and be content with life. What's happening to me? I'm losing my mind and falling for a hound. I don't know which ones worse.

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