Back in Time (Year 1) Train Rides

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Alexa's POV

I sat with Lily for a while, chatting. Eventually, I stood up and went to the door, talking to Lily over my shoulder.

"I'm going to meet a few new friends I made earlier," I said.

"Have fun, Van," she replied.

I wandered the train, headed to the back. I heard the same cold laugh and inwardly winced. Lucius.

"Back again, eh?" he asked. "Boys, let's teach the Mudblood where she belongs."

They started hitting me, forcing me to the floor of the corridor. I curled up to try and protect myself better, unable to reach my wand. I heard running footsteps and suddenly the rain of fists disappeared. I glanced up to see the Marauders fighting Lucius and his friends. They eventually gave up and left. The Marauders turned to me, taking in my bruised and bloody skin.

"Are you okay?" Sirius asked, rushing over to me.

"What do you think, Sirius?" Remus asked.

"What were you doing?" James asked as he approached.

"I was coming to look for you guys," I answered as I slowly sat up with Sirius' help. Sirius got me on my feet and let me lean against him for support. I was limping slightly as they took me to their compartment. They sat me down, and Remus started tending my cuts the old-fashioned way. James chuckled.

"Just like my mother. Always caring for others," he muttered.

"What's your family like, Van?" Sirius asked me.

Here, I hesitated. I knew I couldn't tell the truth so I had to make something up. I was a reasonably good liar so I was somewhat confident.

"My family is dead," I said.

It was a truth, I just didn't say who my family was. I couldn't very well going around saying, 'I am Alexa Potter, sister of famous Harry Potter and daughter to James and Lily Potter.' They would think I had lost my mind.

I saw the sympathetic glances of the boys and frowned slightly. I noticed Remus had paused in tending my cuts and was staring at me in shock.

"You can stay at my house," James said after a while. "My parents would love you and always wanted a daughter. I mean, they love me and all but wanted a daughter and a son. You could be my unofficial sister."

I smiled. James Potter, my father, was offering for me to be his sister. If only he knew who I was he would be saying something completely different. I thought it over. It seemed the only option I had really. I decided to accept the offer and see what happened.

"Why not? What could go wrong? You already seem to possess the 'overprotective brother' quality," I joked.

They laughed and smiled. James was the most excited. He actually jumped out of his seat and hugged me, shoving Remus aside to reach me. I gasped in mild pain at the pressure on my injuries but brushed it off.

"James, get off her. You're hurting her," Remus scolded.

James instantly let go and moved back to let Remus continue helping me. Soon, I was all sorted out and was back to normal except for the limp. I would have that forever.

A muscle in my ankle refused to go back in place, and nothing could be done. This is something I worried about now. If, back in my time, Sirius and Remus put two and two together, they would figure out who I was. They would pelt me with questions until I gave satisfactory answers. I would just have to say that I was not allowed to give that information. If they wanted it, they would have to talk to Dumbledore.

We had lots of laughs and chaos on the way to the castle. I felt like I would fit in already. The Marauders let me be part of their pranking group. I was another Marauder to them, equal to them. Lily was my friend I could go to for help on homework and other things school related. The Marauders were who I would go to for a bit of fun and to cheer me up if I was down. This should be fun. What could go wrong?

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