Killing the Kraken

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Alexa's POV

I woke up the next morning to the sound of birds chirping. I remembered it was the weekend and sighed in relief. The events from the previous day ran through my head, and I sighed. Shaking my head, I sat up in bed, noticing that everyone else had left. It was quiet that morning, as I looked out to the Forest. I thought I caught sight of a pair of orange eyes looking around, the body of a large creature stalking the edge of the Forest. I grabbed my weapons and walked out. I went right to the Astronomy Tower, where I could get a good look on the trees. I loaded an arrow and aimed at where I thought the beast to be. Upon releasing the arrow, it sailed through the air and a scream rent the air. The arrow had hit its target. We were already dealing with one monster in the castle. We didn't need a second one crawling around the Forest. The creature emerged from the trees, glaring at me. One of its paws was over the wound I had inflicted. I drew back another arrow and shot. This time, it took out one of its eyes. It howled in pain, drawing the attention of people from the courtyard. The students and teachers flooded out, seeing me on the top of the tower.

"You will not terrorize the castle!" I shouted at the monster.

It growled and stalked towards the tower. I shot another arrow, this one hitting it in the leg. It screeched in pain and stumbled backward. I shot its other eye out and jumped off the tower, digging my blade into the stone to slow my descent.

"Huntresses, to me!" I shouted.

They obeyed, drawing their swords and running over to me. I raced toward the distressed creature, plunging the point into its leg. We brought it to its knees before finally killing it. We had suffered a few injuries but nothing too bad. At least, it appeared that way. My sword clattered to the ground, and I stumbled backward. My hand clutched at my side, feeling warm blood seeping through the shirt. I heard voices but didn't hear the words. The world around me fell dark, but one thought ran through my mind.

The Kraken was dead and gone. It could no longer hurt anyone in the castle or the world for that matter. And I was happy about that.

Harry's POV

I watched as my sister stumbled backwards, her sword falling from her grasp. I pushed my way through the crowd, heading to her. I was panicking. It was clear to see she was injured, and I didn't want to lose her. I grabbed her as she fell to the ground and tried to comfort her. Her Huntresses were there as well, but they were unable to heal her. Madam Pomfrey came bustling over and looked over her.

"She needs to be at the Hospital Wing at once," she declared.

I scooped my sister into my arms and raced off with her. I laid her on a bed in the Hospital Wing, backing up to let Madam Pomfrey do her work. Days passed, but Alexa didn't wake up. Sirius and Remus had come to check on her and hadn't left. They had heard of what she had done. They were proud but worried. I never left her side, even though we had classes. I was excused from them, only given the homework. Hermione helped me learn what I had missed in class, and Ron brought me my food.

A month was gone now, and I was beginning to think that Alexa would never come back. It was the middle of the night that she finally proved she was alive. A small cough drew my attention to her, and I saw her eyes flutter open. I jumped up and ran to get Madam Pomfrey. She came running out and checked her for any lingering injuries. When she found none, she let her go back to Gyffindor Tower with me. I helped her up to the boys' dormitory, seeing as I couldn't go up the steps to the girls' without being sent down on a slide.

"Sit here. I'll be right back," I told her.

I took a lightning quick shower, seeing as I hadn't had one in a month. I got dressed in nightclothes and came out to see my sister sprawled on my bed. I went over, and she looked up at me.

"What about the Kraken? After we killed it?" she asked.

"It was dragged into the Forest. Don't worry about it," I soothed her.

She nodded and closed her eyes. I crawled onto the bed next to her, arms around her protectively. Together, we fell asleep. While she had been out, Justin of Hufflepuff and Nearly Headless Nick had been attacked. People were beginning to worry about this new threat, but I didn't want to worry her with that just yet. When she was fully healed, I would tell her.

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