My Favourite Class EVER!!

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Alexa's POV

    I woke up the next day and got dressed quickly. I was the first one up and I slipped out of the dorm quietly. I found Harry sitting at the Gryffindor table at breakfast and went to sit next to him. He smiled and I returned the gesture. I heard a snicker from behind me and turned to see Pansy Parkinson pointing at me and Harry, laughing.
    "What do you want, Puggy?" I asked coldly.
    She stopped laughing and looked at me with hatred. "I hate you so much and I wish you were dead. You and your brother will end up like your parents," she snarled.    
    Harry and I jumped to our feet and started to yell at her. Other people in the hall stared at us until I finally decided to use my new authority.
    "Ten points from Slytherin, Miss Parkinson, and detention every day for the next week. See Professor Snape for you detention at eight o clock tonight," I snarled. "And never say another word about our parents."
    I looked up at Severus and he nodded, agreeing with the punishment. He wasn't happy with Pansy's comment either and was going to give her detention if I didn't. I sat back down, yanking Harry with me. I smiled at him and hugged him. After breakfast, we went up to the common room to get our thing for class. We had double Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts first thing that day with Transfiguration after lunch, followed by our first flying lesson.
    Down in the dungeon classroom of Professor Snape, we were making a Shrinking Solution. I finished mine in a record breaking time. I started working on another potion, one of my own creations. It could remove any scars, at least I think it could. Severus walked over and looked curious.
    "What's this?" Severus asked quietly.
    "Something of my own invention. I don't know where it's coming from but I somehow know what I'm doing. I think it can be used to remove scars," I replied.
    Severus pulled up his sleeve, revealing a long white scar and took a dropper from his robes. He pulled a little bit of the potion into the dropper before positioning it over his arm. Slowly, he dripped the potion onto the scar. A few seconds later, the white line disappeared. He was so surprised, the dropper slipped from his hand, shattering on the floor. The room went quiet and turned to us. I bent down and started to pick up the glass, avoiding everyone's eye. Severus rolled his sleeve down and smiled.
    "Fifty points to Gryffindor, Alexa. For making your own very effective potion," he said, beaming.
    "WHAT?!" Pansy shouted. "Why are you on her side all the time?! She's not even good at anything! She's a horrible halfblood and she should join her Mudblood mother!"
    I burst into tears and bolted out of the class, leaving my things behind. I ran through the castle and came upon a door. Without hesitating, I yanked the door open and dashed inside. I fell to the floor, sobbing. I didn't care that I might miss any other classes. I just needed to get away from everyone for a while. Away from the harshness of life. Away from the anger and hatred. Away from even my own brother and friends. Away from my godfather who I knew was on my side.

Severus' POV

    After my goddaughter raced out the door, I turned to Pansy and she saw the anger in my eyes. People all around me wisely moved away as I strode to her desk. Parkinson cowered behind her cauldron as I grabbed the front of her robes.
    "Don't you dare talk to my goddaughter like that again Miss Parkinson. You will get detention every night for the rest of the year, my office at nine at night sharp. If you're late, I will take ten points off Slytherin every time. For your outburst, one hundred points are taken from Slytherin. For insulting her mother, it's another fifty. And for insulting her ability in everything she does, another fifty points. Be glad it isn't more, Miss Parkinson," I hissed venomously. I turned and saw Potter putting Alexa's thing back into her bag. "Mr. Potter, if you could please go find your sister and bring her back here as soon as possible, it would be greatly appreciated. You may take her things and yours in case you don't find her in time. You are excused from the lesson."
    "Thank you, sir," Potter said as he shouldered his and his sister's bag. He walked to the door and I saw Malfoy open it for him and quietly close it.
    I glared at Parkinson before returning to the front of class and setting them back to work once again.

Harry's POV

    Once Snape let me out of the class to find Alexa, I sighed in relief. I never liked his classes because he always bullied me. I decided to start at the Gryffindor Tower, thinking she might be in the common room or her dorm. I started in the direction of the Tower and bumped into someone as I turned a corner.
    "Watch your step, Harry," Professor Dumbledore said, smiling.
    "Sorry, sir," I mumbled, trying to move past but he grabbed my arm.
    "Is something wrong?"
    "I'm trying to find my sister. Pansy Parkinson insulted her and our mother. She got into detention with Snape for the rest of the year and lost Slytherin two hundred points," I explained.
    "I see. Would you mind if I help you find her?" Dumbledore asked.
    "Not at all, sir," I said, grateful for a little extra help.
    As we walked past a blank stretch of wall, a door appeared. Dumbledore and I stopped and stared at it. I pushed it open and found Alexa laying on the floor, tear trails visible on her face. I ran over to her and turned her over gently. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized she was merely asleep. I held her in my arms as she woke up. She gasped and started to cry again and I pulled her close, feeling her sob into my shoulder. I rested my chin on her shoulder and stroked her hair.
    "Harry, I'm sorry for running off but I needed to get away. I'm sorry if I caused you or anyone else panic. Please for-" she began before I cut her off.
    "Hey, just relax. It's okay now. Pansy got detention for the rest of the year and Slytherin is now down by two hundred points. Plus, I'm not going to let her hurt you. I promise you I won't let anyone or anything hurt you. I will protect you to the best of my ability. You're my sister and I'm determined to keep you safe," I whispered in her ear.
    I could feel her smile and relaxed myself. I helped her up and handed her her bag. She took it and swung it over her shoulder. She took my hand and entwined our fingers. I smiled at her and realized I would do literally anything for her, even lay down my life. Sure, I hadn't known her for too long, but some instinct inside me was compelling me to protect her no matter what.

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