The Chamber Of Secrets Has Been Opened. This Isn't Good At All

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Alexa's POV

We entered the castle at dinner time. I was still dressed as a Huntress and we entered the hall. People were talking but the second they saw us, they fell silent. The Huntresses were too excited to notice until I nudged them. They looked at me and I nodded towards Dumbledore. They looked up and found him staring at us.
"Everyone, these are the Huntresses of the Woods. The leader is known as the Huntress. The Shade, Terror, Fiend and Howler are the followers. Their real names are the Lori, Serena, Tracy and Zoë. I hope that you welcome them. There will be a new notice a few days from now. They will be a part of Gryffindor House and will help with everything," Dumbledore said.
Lori spotted Lockhart and was about to say something when I put my hand over her mouth. I shook my head and she pulled away. I smiled and led the way to the Gryffindor table. My bow was slung over my back with my quiver. My sword hung from my hip and the knives from my waist and legs. My hair was braided back and my black clothes made me look like a shadow. My friends sat next to me, the new Marauders on the other side of the table. Severus went to the staff table and sat down. Lori snatched a huge thing of chicken away from Ron and he laughed.
"Someone's hungry," Harry said.
"Hey, I want to see if the Hogwarts food is as good as it's said to be," Lori replied.
The other Huntresses piled food onto their plates and I burst out laughing, my Hogwarts friends following along. Soon, the whole hall was laughing and we spent the night chatting and exchanging facts about Hogwarts.
Harry and I had detention with Lockhart that night due to the fact that we had driven a flying car to Hogwarts and 'done significant damage' to the Whomping Willow. At half past seven, we left the common room and made our way his office. I was not looking forward to the punishment and took my weapons with me to intimidate him.
"Ah, you're here, Harry," Lockhart said as Harry entered.
"Not just me," he replied, moving aside to reveal me.
"Huntress, it's a pleasure to have you," the blonde man said, swallowing nervously, eyeing my weapons.
I smirked and sashayed over to the table beside the teacher's desk. I noticed autographs and internally groaned. We were going to be helping him address the photos to people. I pulled out a quill, snatching it from Lockhart's desk. He looked like he was going to protest but decided against it.
"Here, the addresses. Split them in half," Lockhart said.
Harry carefully tore the parchment in half, handing one half to me. I smiled and took it. I started to write the names and addresses, making sure to make large blots on it as I went. Lockhart was too scared of me to try and make me correct it. I smirked and glanced at Harry. He was doing the same, blotting the envelope as much as possible. I snickered quietly. We continued to write until Harry and I heard a voice.
"Blood. I smell blood. Come to me. Let me rip you," it said.
"What?" Harry asked, looking at me.
I was pale and caught Harry's eye, shaking my head. Harry took the hint and shut up.
"You must be tired. No wonder, we've been here nearly four hours," Lockhart said and gestured for us to leave.
Harry and I bolted out of the door and heard the voice again. I drew my bow and nocked an arrow, ready to shot at a moments' notice. We followed the voice and ran into Ron and Hermione. I nearly put an arrow through Ron's head but moved my hand at the last second, the arrow skating off the wall harmlessly. I nocked another arrow and looked around. I strained my ears to hear the slightest sound and heard the voice again. I took off, Harry and the others close behind. I skidded around a corner and found the corridor flooded with water. I ran over to the wall and stared at the message.

The Chamber Of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies Of The Heir, Beware.

"Chamber of Secrets?" Hermione asked. "What is that?"
"I don't know," I replied quietly.
Moving closer, I saw Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat. I touched her and she swung on the torch post. I was frightened. I had seen the second Harry Potter movie and there was nothing I could do just yet. I would look too suspicious and I didn't want to be deemed the Heir. There was a roll of thunder, signaling the end of the feast. I raised my bow as I heard the voice one last time. The whole school population came upon us in an instant. There were gasps and screams.
"What's going on here?" Filch said, shoving his way through the crowd. "Mrs. Norris?"
He had noticed the cat on the torch and looked at me, the one closest to her. He started forward, yelling. I raised the bow and pointed it at him, unsure of what else to do. He seemed ready to kill me and I had no intention of being killed by a cranky old man. He froze when he saw the razor-sharp arrow pointed at him. The other Huntresses were there, watching in horror.
"Let me through, please," Dumbledore's voice said.
The crowd parted and he came upon the scene with the other teachers. They stared at me and then at the message and cat. There was dead silence and I lowered my bow, waiting to hear my punishment for something I didn't do.
"All of you return to your common rooms. All except, you four," the Headmaster said, pointing to me and my friends and brother.
I sighed and put the arrow away and Harry walked over, grabbing my hand. Hermione and Ron stood a bit behind us and waited for an explanation because they were also confused.
"Can you tell me what happened here, Huntress?" Dumbledore asked in a calm tone.
"We were in detention with Lockhart, Harry and I. We left and ran into Hermione and Ron. Harry and I both weren't hungry and we were heading back to the Tower when we came across the message and Mrs. Norris. We didn't do anything to her," I lied easily.
Dumbledore seemed to see through the lie but didn't say anything. I was grateful and he started saying stuff about extra security, while I stared at the message, knowing full well what it meant. I knew I would have to be more careful if I was to stop it all. I returned to the dorms and crept up to Ginny's dorm. She was fast asleep and I stole the diary.
"You are coming with me, Tom Riddle," I told the book, shoving it in my bag. I hoped I could stop this and knew I had one chance to do so before Hogwarts was closed for good.

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