Chapter fourteen

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Multiple times, Avalon had considered just walking herself to school, or even back home. Even so, she always managed to talk herself out of it with the argument that even on a normal day she couldn't walk miles and miles at a time, let alone with an injured leg. Besides that, even if she COULD, there was no way she could both find her way around AND make it to school before it ended. It would take her forever.
Sighing heavily in defeat, Avalon could do nothing but wander the house in boredom, keeping idle by cleaning random things. She tried watching some tv, but the quality was so bad and there wasn't anything good on, so she ended up giving it up.
After hours of impatiently waiting, a knock finally came to the door, and Avalon scurried to answer it.
She threw it open, not so much happy to see Rune, but happy to finally have something to do. Besides that, she was desperately hoping it was finally time to go back home.
As the door opened and their eyes met, Rune felt like his heart was leaping out of his chest. There the girl stood, wearing HIS clothes.
He wasn't sure he could recover from that blow fast enough to respond, but thankfully, he appeared as composed as he could muster as he stepped into his home, closing the door behind him.
"Is that my shirt?" He asked her, keeping his voice as steady as possible.
Her face immediately hardened, albeit pridefully, and she replied sharply, "YES. Did you really think I'd wear that lacy ass top?"
Rune's eyes glowed possessively and he instinctually stepped towards her, close enough he had to look down at her, his chin almost touching the bottom of his neck.
The closeness seemed to startle her, and he watched as her face reddened when he raised his hands to pull the hem of the shirt down to read it, examining it on her.
"You look great in it."
He had intended to keep the urge to growl under wraps, but a low rumble still managed to escape with his words, making Avalon cower.
She was so attractive to him, he couldn't stand it...
Rune needed to keep his distance if he didn't want to end up doing something he would regret. Letting out a shaky breath, he plastered on a smile and backed up from her, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Are you hungry? I figured I should start getting something ready for dinner."
Avalon blinked, having to snap herself out of the trance to answer.
"Uhm... I.. I could eat."
Rune grinned broadly at her. "Great."
Without another word, Rune passed her and headed down the hall towards the kitchen.
Avalon let a hand rest over her heart.
Why had her heart beat so erratically just now...?

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