Chapter eleven

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Avalon hated Rune more than she had when she got there.
She hated him...
He had a really nice laugh.
Frustrated by the teasing, Avalon huffed and rolled away from him onto her side, her back facing him.
Rune chuckled lightly. "Aww, I'm sorry. Did I upset you?"
Avalon made a face, refusing  to turn back to him. "Leave me alone."


"Ew, don't say my name like that, creep."

"Cmon. Look at me."


Avalon's body immediately stiffened in defense as she felt him shuffling towards her on the mattress. Instantly worried, she snapped, "If you touch me, you're dead...!"

"I wasn't going to touch you, what gave you that idea?"

Even though he declared that in a playful tone, she could still feel him approaching and she growled.
"Stay back!"
As she shouted, she quickly scooted away and whirled to glare at himー a grave mistake as she, moments later, completely slipped off the side of the bed with a squeak.
She groaned as she hit the ground and Rune quickly scooted to the edge to look down at her. "Are you alright?"
She glared daggers up at him.
"I'm fine."

Rune exhaled. "You truly worry me."
Avalon scoffed at his words, sitting up and looking over at him.
"I worry you??"

"Yes," Rune groaned in exasperation, running a hand through his hair. "You seem to be quite danger prone."

"I wasn't until you showed up!" Avalon growled, climbing to her feet, ignoring the pain in her leg. Even though she ignored it, Rune did not, and he quickly sat up, looking at her in shock.
"Are you alright to be standing like that??"

"I'm FINE!"

The second she raised her voice, Avalon stomped towards him, hurting herself immediately, making her knees buckle as she fell to the ground.
Worriedly, Rune climbed off the bed and went over to her, inspecting every part of her to ensure that she was alright.
"I'm okay, quit touching me...!"
Narrowing his eyes at her he didn't stop, muttering, "Clearly I can't take your word for it."
Avalon didn't have a quip for that.
She stayed silent.
After his thorough investigation, Rune finally let her go, but only for a moment as he immediately after scooped her small form into his strong arms, ignoring her protests as he carried her back onto the bed, laying her down ever so gentlyー very surprisingly gently, Avalon decided, taking into consideration how bulky and condescending he looked, especially with the grimace he was wearing.
Avalon didn't know what to say. Her protests weren't working, and, truth be told, the hard, stoic expression on his face, so different than the playful grin he usually wore, frightened her.
As he laid her down carefully, he pulled the covers over her body and as he met her gaze, his expression seemed to soften a little, and his voice was calm. "It's getting late.... you should rest if you want to heal."
Her brows drew together. Why was he acting so strange?
Why was he so concerned with her? Why did his disposition change so suddenly?
She had so many questions, yet she was so afraid to be up front about it...
As Rune adjusted the covers around her, she didn't look away, trying desperately to think of something to say.
Thankfully, she didn't have to think of how to call out, as he met her gaze and tilted his head. "What is it?"

"... why are you doing this?" She asked him softly.

Intrigued by the question, he sat on the edge of the bed, gazing at her intently. "Doing what?"

"... you know... all of it."

Rune gave a warm and somewhat playful smile and leaned towards her, hoping to press in enough to at least make her nervous. By her expression, he deemed it effective.
"I told you already," he purred. "I like you."
Avalon's face burned, and she found it hard to swallow.
Seeming satisfied enough, Rune parted from her and stood, moving towards the door and flicking off the light switch.
"Goodnight, Avalon."
Moments after he closed the door behind him, Avalon murmured, "....goodnight, Rune."

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