Chapter nine

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He just wanted to get to know her.
Maybe it was a selfish thing to want, but Rune wanted to know the intriguing blonde haired girl. He wanted to know everything about herー about his future queen. At this point, he felt sure that she was the one. No other woman was like her, and that made her special. It had to be her....
If he had no choice but to choose a bride, it would be her.
Before long, it was late in the evening, the sun starting to go down just at the peak of the horizon.
The swelling at Avalon's ankle hadn't gone down a bit, and she was not happy about it.
"Just take me home now!" She growled, sitting on his couch and scowling up at him.
Rune didn't know how to answer.
He wanted her to stay...
He wanted to stay and talk with her...
Just a little more...
He had opened his mouth to speak when there was a loud clap of thunder from outside, cutting him off from outside. Thunder?
He and Avalon both turned to look outside and saw an enormous flash of light.
While Avalon's stomach dropped to her knees, Rune's spirits simultaneously lifted.
Fate must be on my side.
He was ridiculously grateful.
Turning back to face her, he gave a sympathetic smile to mask an excited one.
"I'm sorry... It looks like you won't be able to leave just yet..."
Avalon let out a loud groan and flopped back against the couch.
"You've gotta be kidding me....!"
Why was the universe forcing this creep on her?!
Rune let out a breath. "This apartment has two bedrooms. You're welcome to sleep in one of them."

"I am not sleeping here!"

Before Rune could respond, the sound of a ringtone echoed through the apartment. Avalon quickly realized it was her phone and pulled it out of her pocket to check the ID, while Rune tried not to grin at how cute the ringtone was.
"It's my dad," Avalon told him with a sigh before answering. "Dad?"
Rune sat in a chair on the other side of the room to give them privacy as Avalon carried on with the phone conversation.
"Are you still with Mr. Rune?" Her dad asked worriedly.
Mr. Rune...
"Yeah, I'm still trapped at his dumb apartment, but don't worry, I was just about to leー"

"Oh thank goodness!"

Avalon blinked. What...
"I was worried you'd already left and got caught in the storm! Did you hear? It's so bad that even some train stations have been closed down!"
Her heart almost stopped.
You're kidding me.
"You're safe there, though, right?"


"Good. I'll try and pick you up in the morning if I can make it before work, okay?"

" mean.... I really have to stay here???"

"It's the only way, kiddo. Stay safe, okay?"


Avalon hung up.
Worst. Day. Ever.

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