Where is he?

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Meliodas' POV:

I woke up and was about to leave to cook breakfast. I left my room and was hit over the head which made me pass out. When I woke up I was chained to the roof by my wrists. I was shirtless and had shorts on. I looked around and couldn't see anyone. I was in a dark room and there was only one light. I didn't recognise the area.

"Well it seems like you finally woke up" Zeldris stepped out of the shadows.


"I'm going to punish you for telling them. I did say if you told anyone I would kill you" he grinned.

"I-I didnt"

"I don't care if you say you didn't. The world would be a better place without you anyway" he snickered

"Please don't do this" my eyes started to tear up.

"Let the fun begin!" He opened a box and I saw mutiple wepons in there. He took out a whip and started to slash me with it.

"This is what you get you brat!" He dropped the whip and smiled evily at me. A bit of blood splashed on his face.

"Ahh what's this? Blood? You got me dirty! Time for more punishment" he grabbed a bucher knife out and teased me with it. He was drawing a picture on my skin, but not cutting it. He then proceeded to stab me in the leg. I screamed in agony and he laughed. I'm not sure how long I can last.

He twisted the knife and then pulled it out. He grabbed a taser and then tasered me for ages. I'm not going to make it out of this alive am I?

Elizabeth's POV:

I left my house and waited for Meliodas to show up. But he didn't. That made me really worried so I knocked on his house. Estarossa opened it and growled at me.

"What do YOU want?"

"Do you know where Meliodas is?"

"He already left" he then slammed the door in my face and I left to go to school. I got to the sins and couldn't see Meliodas anywhere. I ran over to them as my panic rose.

"Have you seen Meliodas?" I blurted

"No why?" King asked

"Something has happened to him then!" I yelled

"What do you mean?" Ban exclaimed

"He didn't meet me this morning and Estarossa said he was already at school! They must've done something to him!" I cried

"H-hey it's alright! During school times we will go look for him" Diane soothed. We left the campus and started to look. We went to Meliodas' house and hid in a bush. After a few minutes Estarossa left! This was the perfect time to look!

Zeldris' POV:

I hid Meliodas in the basement but it was hidden so well! This was gonna be fun!

His face was gloomy and his body was pale.

"Meliodas~" I teased. I was going to stab him. It was hilarious hearing him scream!

I kept stabbing him but he was about to pass out due to loss of blood but i dont really care. He looked almost dead bit I don't want him to die just yet.

"Meliodas what are you?" I teased

"I'm worthless" he mumbled

"Good! Now what else are you?"

"A piece of shit" he had his head down and his lip was bleeding. I had an amazing idea aswell!

"Do you care about your life?"

"No, the world would be better without me" I laughed. I grabbed his arm, they were still chained to the roof, and snapped the bone. He yelled as tears rolled down his face.

"Your looking great!" I exclaimed. I sat on the chair and waited for him to gain consciousness since he passed out. My God he is so weak!

Elizabeth's POV:

We opened the front door and snook in. Ban and King were to check downstairs while me and Diane checked upstairs. We ran and checked the bedrooms. Diane checked the other bedrooms while I checked Meliodas'. His room wasn't even a proper room! It was like a storage room! There were boxes everywhere. How could he live like this? Diane said that their rooms had proper king sized beds and luxury items such as tvs.

I met up with Diane and we both couldn't find anything! We headed downstairs to talk to Ban and King.

"Find anything?" Diane asked

"No how bout you?" Ban asked

"No, but we did find out how poorly he is treated" Diane answered

"There is a bit of dry blood on the walls but apart from that, nothing" Ban shook his head.

"Umm guys, you might wanna see this" King called us over. In front of him was a trapdoor that was barley visible. It was hidden under a rug so no wonder we didn't see it!

"Let's check!" I yelled. King opened the door and we saw a dark staircase. We all went down and was greeted by three doors. We opened the first one and it had more boxes in it, the second door had nothing in it so we had to check the last door. I hope he's in here! And he's alright!

"What's behind door number three?" Ban opened the door and we all gasped. I couldn't believe it!

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