Chapter 17

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3rd Pov. Amalla

Amalla sped past Brian as the sun showed high in the sky. She sped faster hoping to reach Dom and his team. Mia sat quietly next to her, as she couldn't see Brian.

"So you swear you didn't know Brian was a cop?" Mia asked after hours of no communication.

"Yeah I do. I should have known though." Amalla replied as she shifted gears and went faster.

"How could you of known, you've known him for a few weeks now." Mia said, and Amalla stayed silent knowing not say anything.

"Did you know Brian, before you met us?" Mia asked, and Amalla clutched the wheel harder.

"Did you know Brian, before you met us?" She pushed harder, and hit her arm. Amalla swerved slightly, and shoved Mia against the passenger side.

Mia held her hands up as Amalla kept pressure on her.

"Don't do that." She warned and let go as Mia repeated her question.

"Mall? You good?"

The small radio transmitted, as Mia got her answer.

"Why does he call you 'Mall'?" She asked, as Amalla made sure Brian heard through the radio system.

"Because she's my sister."

Brian said, and Mia stared at her with anger.

"Why didn't you just tell us?" She yelled and Amalla turned her head.

"Why don't you ask Brian? Oh wait, we know why he didn't say anything. Because he's a damn cop!" Amalla yelled in anger as Mia went silent.

"Did you tell Dom?" She asked after a few minutes, and Amalla glanced at her from the corner of her eye.

"No. I was going to tell him last night. Decided I couldn't." Amalla replied, and Mia stayed quiet as they began to hear engines ahead of them.


Amalla speeds faster as she saw a car crashed on the side of the road.

Leon stood with Letty in hand, as his car was ahead parked. He gave a wave to her, gesturing towards Dom.

Amalla switched gears, and sped towards the semi truck.

Gunshots rang through the air, as a black Honda in front of her began to swerve. She sped faster as the Honda swerved to the side.

She saw Dom through the window, and she looked back to the trailer. A arm dangled from the side of it, as Amalla thought of everyone.

"Its Vince. Mia, its Vince. Take the wheel." Amalla said, and she began to climb to the outside of the camaro.

"What do you mean 'take the wheel!?'" Mia yelled in frustration and Amalla rolled her eyes.

"Just drive the fucking car and get close to the truck!" Amalla yelled, and climbed out of the camaro.

Her hands latched onto the side where the window edges were.

"Get closer!" Amalla yelled as she moved to the passenger side. She opened the passenger door, and reached for a lever.

"Closer!" She yelled, as her hand gripped the lever. The convertible top flew off, and Amalla hung on the door. She swung in the air and grabbed the wind shield.

"Faster!" She commanded and jumped to the driver side. Her hands wrapped around the back window edge. Her body flung against the car, and she pulled herself up to squat.

"Mia, go!" She yelled, and Amalla took a leap at the side of the semi.

Her body landed with a 'thump', and her hands latched onto the door. Vince griped her leg as his other arm was wrapped in a wire.

"Don't let go. Get ready!" Amalla yelled, as she glanced in the lower window. The truck drover was loading his gun, and she hurriedly untied him.

A shot rang through he air, as it shot through the door and scraped over her arm. Amalla screamed in pain, as she held Vince up.

"Mia, closer!" She yelled and threw Vince onto the car. He landed cock eyed in the backseat, and Amalla steadied herself.

She glanced back and saw the barrel of the gun. She jumped quickly as the shot was just above her head.

Amalla landed on the windshield, and she flung around as Mia turned the steering wheel.

They spun around, and Mia stonped on the brake and they stopped on the side of the road. Amalla flew off and rolled a few meters away.

Mia turned back to check Vince, and jumped out to check Amalla. Brian parked next to her and sprinted towards Amalla.

"Mall!" He yelled as he slid next to her and lifted her.

"Ow! Stop shaking me. I'm fine, check Vince." She said, and sat up with Mia next to her.

Brian carried Vince to the ground next to her. He ripped Vince's shirt and wrapped his arm to stop the bleeding. The sound of an engine stopped close to them, and Dom appeared behind her.

"If he doesn't get to an ambulance in 10 minutes, he's dead." Brian said, and Dom gave him a nod. Dom stared at Amalla, as he checked her arm.

"Dom I need to tell you some--"

"Yeah. Yeah, this is Officer Brian O'Conner."

Amalla stopped as Dom looked at Brian. An expression of hurt crossed his face as he stared at Brian.

"I'm off-duty MAPD. I need a life flight roll out right away. My 20 is Highway 86, mile marker 147."

Dom glanced at Amalla with the same expression. He stayed silent as he glanced down at the necklace. His hand touched it lightly, as he stared at her eyes.

She opened her mouth to speak, but no words exited her mouth. She stopped and looked at her arm. Blood began to pass through the cloth, and Dom quickly tore his shirt and wrapped it.

"I got one trauma victim, about 24 years of age. Six-foot, maybe 200 pounds. He's got a deep laceration to his right arm with arterial bleeding. And he's got a shotgun wound close range to his left flank. Yeah, he's going into shock!" Brian yelled and pushed on his chest.

Dom stared at Amalla's face and looked to Brian. His mind finally piecing together, as his mind and body felt betrayed.

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