Chapter 8

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3rd Pov. Amalla

Amalla slowly opened her eyes as the sun peaked through her curtains. Her eyes slowly adjusted as the room was faintly lit. She glanced around and slowly stood up from her bed.

Her house was quiet as she opened her door. Her eyes squinted the light, and she walked through her hallway. Her eyes landed on the person who played asleep on her fold-able bed couch. She smiled to herself and walked into her kitchen.


Amalla sat a plate down on her island as she turned back around to her stove. She flipped her omelet and sat it on another plate.

"I ain't ever had a woman make me breakfast. At least this far in a relationship." A deep voice said, and Amalla smiled.

She turned around, and Dom stood in his shirtless glory. She bit her cheek internally as she sat her plate on the island.

Amalla looked away from him as she opened her fridge. She gasped quietly to hide her blush as she grabbed her pitcher of orange juice.

She pulled away and closed the fridge door. She turned back and grabbed two glasses.

"Eat. I made it for you." She said and poured the juice slowly.

Dom stared at her as he sat down. He grabbed the fork and began to dig in. She stared at him and sipped her drink.


Amalla leaned over, under the hood of the camaro. She twisted a few bolts and stood straight. She smiled to herself proudly, as she had finally finished the engine.

"Hey. What?" Brian asked as he walked up behind her.

"I finished the engine." She said, and he stared at it in awe.

"You finished the engine?" He asked in disbelief and looked closer.

"No way. I started before you." Brian complained, and Amalla smiled triumphantly.

"Stop being a sore loser. I beat you. I have better skills." Amalla said, and Brian shook his head.

"Nuh uh. I do. Just cause you finished under the hood first does not mean you have better skill." Brian said Andrew tried to walk away. Amalla rolled her eyes and charged at his back. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist.

"Stop being a bitch and accept it." Amalla said, and held him in a sleeper hold.

"No. Never." Brian choked out, and Amalla thought of a better torture way.

"Now, now. Give up." Amalla cooed, and she raised Brian's arm.

"Nop-- Ah! Let go!" Brian yelled as she pinched his under forearm.

"No. Give up." Amalla said and held onto him tightly.

"Fine. Just stop." He yelled and Amalla jumped up and closed the hood of the camaro. Brian laid on the ground, and huffed out.

"How are you this hyper in the mornings?" He asked, and Amalla grabbed a bucket of water and hid it behind her back.

"I don't know. But, you definitely need a wake up call."Amalla said, and Brian role this eyes and closed them.

Amalla took the chance and dumped the water on him. She dropped the bucket and sprinted out of the garage to hide from him.

"Amalla! I'm gonna kill you!" Brian yelled as he stood and ran after her soaked to the bone.

A.N. This chapter didn't seem to need much work besides grammar checks. It was mostly made as a filler chapter to extend the story.

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