Chapter 9

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Unsuspected Deliveries

3rd Pov. Amalla

Amalla stood at the desk of Harry's shop, her hip leaning against it as she awaited for the next customer. Brian stepped up next to her, bouncing a ball in his hands.

"Hey." She spoke towards Brian, typing into the computer as she saw Hector and his crew enter the building.
"Harry. What's up, dog?" Hector said as he stepped out of the office.

"Nice to see you. Excellent. Come on in, man." Harry replied and glanced back to Amalla. Hector passed by, heading to the desk to the sibling duo.

"Check it. It's yours." Hector speaks up, and Brian smiled.
"Damn. What do we got here? Hired some new help?" Hector jokes, and Amalla rolled her eyes with a smile.

"What's up?"Amalla responds, shaking his hand in return.
"What's up, Brian? How you feeling?"
Hector moved on, and Brian fist bumped him.

"Pretty good. What do you need?" Brian questions, and Hector leaned on the desk.

"What's up? I need you to hook me up. Three of everything. I made a list. Why don't you look that over?"
Hector answers and hands Amalla his list. She gives him a smile and types on the computer at her side.

"When do you need this stuff by?" Amalla asks, as Brian hovered next to her.
"Tomorrow, today, now." Hector states and moves down the desk to check something out..

"Right." Brian numbly says as Amalla waited for her search to load. Brian stared at the model parts needed for Honda Civics. She scrunched her face, searching for all of the items. Brian's facr became one of slight worry, his own ideas brewing in his head.

"You said you need three of each?" Brian asked and glanced at him.

"Yeah, three of everything. What do you think about that? Check this out." Hector said and held a wad of cash. Amalla took it as she ordered his parts for fast delivery.

"You got it." She muttered and counted the money, as Brian's mind filled with ideas.


Amalla exited the doors of Harry's shop, as dusk approached quickly. She locked the doors; turning back, she grabbed boxes of ordered parts and jogged to Brian's truck.

Borrowing his truck in return for letting him use her motorcycle. She slid the few small boxes in passenger side of the truck, quickly climbing in the driver's side and driving towards the Toretto house.


Amalla parked on the curb and climbed out of the truck. Slowly walking up the sidewalk as she climbed up the front stairs.

"Dom?" Amalla says from the front door, the screen door was blocking the entrance as she waited.

"He's not here." Someone yelled back, and Amalla tried to look in.

"Now run off and join your street rat friend." Vince says as he walks up to the screen door.

"First of all. You need to take a shower because, damn, you stink." Amalla responds and gestures to his body.

"Second. If we were street rats, your car would be dismembered before you could say, marvelous."

"Tell him I need to talk to him when he gets back." Amalla finishes and begins to walk down the stairs.

"I ain't you messenger boy." He yelled back, and she paused and glanced back.

"But you make a great one." She spits back and walks back towards the truck. She climbs back in and speeds off down the road to make Harry's deliveries.


Amalla parked the truck, as she was making her last delivery. She paused across the road from the address as she saw Hector with many other people.

"Hector!" She yells, and he waves her up as he walks towards her.

"Chica. What are you doing here?" He asks and holds his hand out. Amalla shook it lightly as she glanced around.

"Making Harry's last deliveries. I had nothing to do tonight, so I thought; 'what the hell'." She replies, and he nods.

"Well, if you need something to do, join us. If not, I'll see you around." Hector gives her a grin leaves her. She glanced back, stepping from the small crowd to jog across the road.

Amall walked up to a garage as she knocked on the side door. There was no response as she tried again, and the door opened slightly. She glimpsed back and cautiously walked inside the garage.

She was surrounded by darkness as she entered. Holding the delivery tight in her hand as she heard a sound.

The feel of her head slamming against the door made the biggest sound. She groaned out loudly as she fell to her knees, clutching her head in pain.

"Little street rat." A voice said, and Amalla tried to pinpoint it. A sliver of light lit the room as she saw where the person was standing.

Amalla breathed in deeply as she stumbled and jumped onto the person. The person shouting in surprise, and she bent backwards. Using her legs and momentum to make the person fly above her into the shelves next to the door.

She falls to the ground with a thud, as she saw the man crash and destroy the shelves. The man standing still as she tried to keep her eyes open.

Amalla looked around as a light was suddenly turned on. Her eyes were trying to focus on the person in front of her, but she was failing. Her body gave out as she fell to the ground unconscious.

A.N. : Updated [5-13-24]

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