Another One?//Chapter 5

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"My name is Nico di Angelo, Mrs. Weasley, and it smells wonderful up here. I haven't eaten all day..." I trailed off, seeing the look Sirius and Remus gave me, before they left to grab the others.

"Of course dear, I'll get you some right away. Sit down, sit down. The others should be down soon." Mrs. Weasley ran to the kitchen to get me some food.

Sirius and Remus almost fell down the stairs they were running so fast. They sat down at the table, and motioned for me to sit between them. I smiled graciously. They both looked at me shocked, especially Sirius. The last time Sirius saw me smile was when Bianca was still alive.

"Did you just-, did you see that?" Sirius frantically whispered.

"Yes, Sirius, I did." Remus answered and hushed him, as the others came down the stairs.

I saw Tonks, Mr. Weasley, and Moody. Also, there were 3 ginger boys, one ginger girl, one raven-haired boy, and one familiar bushy haired girl. They reached the table, and everyone sat down. Their talking quickly stopped when they saw me sitting there.

"Nico, is that you?" The familiar looking daughter of Athena piped up.

"Hey, 'Mione." I said weakly.

"Oh my gods Nico." She cried out before running over to me and giving me a hug.

"Hey, hey remember the 'no touching rule'." I chided slightly.

Hermione released me quickly and flushed. Then she looked at me confused.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm on a quest. I have to make sure Harry Potter stays out of trouble." I told her.

She laughed at this, before responding. "Just so you know, he is the one that looks like Percy."

I switched back to English. "Ok, thanks 'Mione. But I should probably meet all of these lovely people."

I looked up and saw everyone staring at us in shock, minus Sirius who understood everything we had said. I cleared my throat.

"So..." I started awkwardly.

"Oh c'mon guys, introduce yourselves." Mrs. Weasley exclaimed.

"I'm Ron," the shortest red head boy said.

"Ginny," the only ginger girl stated.


"And George—"

"Weasley." The twins remarked, finishing together.

I liked them. They sound like a lot of fun.

"I'm Tonks,"

"I'm Arthur Weasley,"

"And I'm Harry." The Percy lookalike finished.

Everyone looked at me to see if I identified the name. I just shrugged and glanced down

"My names Nico di Angelo." I softly said, uncomfortable with all the eyes on me.

I slouched in my seat. Everyone was still staring at me, and whispering to each other. I felt my heart start beating faster and my breathing slowing down. Hermione, gods bless her, sent me a look asking me if I was ok. I nodded, not wanting to alarm her. I was shaking now, and I had a growing feeling of empty in my stomach. I looked pleadingly at Sirius, and his gaze softened when he saw what was happening.

"Guys, enough is enough. Seriously, it's a bit rude to talk about someone right in front of them. And now he's about to pass out. I'm taking him up to his room. Thanks for making assumptions about my brother." Sirius coldly stated, before he picked me up and carried me.

Tears were streaming down my face and I was hiding them in his chest.

I heard Remus say. "Real good job guys, I thought you would have learned by now to not judge by appearance. I expect you all to apologize to him tomorrow, and mean it. What you did was not only disrespectful, but it was hurtful to not only him, but Sirius too. Sirius went through the same kind of scrutiny, and you all know better than everyone else how wrong they were about him. Now, if you would excuse me, I need to go comfort both of them seeing as how you have made Nico feel unwelcome."

I think Remus got up to follow us after that, but I felt like passing out. I couldn't really focus and my eyes felt like closing.

"Hey, hey stay with me Comet. Remus is going to get you some nectar and chocolate. Chocolate will help a lot. Just please, stay awake. If you pass out, you know what could happen, especially since you already passed out once today. Please, stay awake." Sirius whispered to me, his eyes filling with tears.

We finally reached my room and Sirius put me down. Soon after, Remus came rushing in.

"Drink this." He stated, shoving a canister at me.

I shakily took a sip and instantly began to feel better. Remus gave me some chocolate and I scarfed it down.

A moment later, we heard the door open. Hermione came running in.

"Oh my gods Nico it happened again, didn't it? Another panic attack?" She questioned sadly.

I shakily nodded.

"How many have you had this week?"

I held up 3 fingers. She sighed.

"Does anyone know you're gone?"

I shook my head again. She gave me a water bottle and crystal.

"You should at least call Will. I know you can't tell him where you are, but you can send him your owl. Until then, you have me, Sirius, and Remus to help you, okay. We are here for you." She said soothingly.

I just nodded and gave her a quick hug. She was shocked, and just nodded, before leaving the room.

Remus looked me over and nodded before going to his room.

Sirius sighed. "Get some rest kiddo, okay? That was a really bad one so you might be out for a couple days. I would recommend you call Will first, alright?"

"Alright, thanks Star." I said shakily.

He smiled, and turned to leave.

"Good night, Comet."

"'Night Star."

I got ready to make the call. Hopefully, I would be in too much trouble. Here goes nothing.

Nico Goes to HogwartsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora