Chapter 8 : YouTube video

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Gaby's point of view
'Caspar, Joe, wake up, I have made you guys breakfast in bed.' I said before walking into Caspar's bedroom.

'Ohh you shouldn't have' Caspar gave me a big smile and took the plate without hesitation and walked to Joe's room cause it's much bigger. 'It's just to say thank you for letting us live here' I said while I went to sat on the end of Joe's bed. 'But where's Helena then, usually she's the one making the food' Joe said with an confused face. 'Well it was her idea, but she's still fast asleep, she had to much to drink last night and we came in n bit to late' 'Oh yes we heard but I though it was you throwing up' Caspar said while still stuffing his face with the pancakes. 'Ohh Caspar you guys knows by now that I'm always the one who throws up but no she just had a lot more to drink than me' I said while laughing.

'Gossiping about me' Helena asked while walking into Joe's room and jumping into the middle of them.
'Helena I was wondering if you would do a YouTube video with me, I know that you are not interested in stuff like that but my fans would really like you and they would actually like a new face, cause it's just Caspar everywhere' Helena stood up ' I don't see why not, I'm going to go back to sleep, so wake me up when you want to shoot.' She walked back to our room and immediately we could hear little snores.

Elapsed time till Video

Helena's point of view

'You wearing that for tonight' said Joe to me that's standing behind the camera.
'No Joe u crazy it's a short pants, and I'm not spoiling my outfit for when I meet the guys, but you wearing that?'
'Hell ye, I'm not changing again'

'No Joe u crazy it's a short pants, and I'm not spoiling my outfit for when I meet the guys, but you wearing that?''Hell ye, I'm not changing again'

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'Halo welcome to a sugg Sunday special with me Joe and one of my best friends Helena. Say halo helen and come sit infront of the camera.'
'Just getting my jacket.. Hey there guys Nay here' I said while I went to sat down next to Joe on his bed.
'So I'm here with helen and we are going to play a game that a lot of you know, I played this game a lot recently and it ended with me getting drunk. It's called never have I ever. So tonight me and the gang are going out and us two decided to have a drink before hand. And for anyone who don't know how to play this, this is how it go's'

...(closer to the end of the video)...

'Never have I ever kissed a stranger' Joe asked and I slowly started drinking so did Joe.
'Wait what? Why would you do that' Joe asked 'Well you know after my brothers thing I kinda got rebellious, but I always knew their names, but moving on' I said trying to get the topic of my brother.
'Never have I ever watched porn' 'Joe what kind of questions is this' I said while laughing and we both drank 'You watched porn helen' 'well once like I know it's normal for boys to watch, so my boyfriend, or now ex, kinda got me to watch it with him' 'wow Helena Anastasia Josephine Brits didn't expect that' 'Don't get to happy I didn't like it, it ain't my scene.'
'Okay so Never have I ever gave someone a fake number' so Joe took a sip of his drink, 'Why would you do that Joe'
'Why wouldn't you do it, if the girl ain't my type she ain't getting my number' he said while laughing but quickly started speaking again 'I'm just kidding, I just once gave a girl a fake number because I didn't know her and she just kept asking me, and it irritated me so yep, but why won't you'
'Well I will always think of doing it but then I feel so terribly bad'
'Auww somewhere inside Josephine has a heart' Joe said in a laughing voice while fluttering his eyes.
'You make me sound so bad Joseph, but do you know what I just realized, our names are almost the same'
'Wait what, that's crazy why didn't we realize this sooner. But anyway there you go guys, hope you aren't to grossed out, and I hope you enjoyed the video, if you did give a big thumbs up and subscribed to my channel if you didn't already and subscribe to Helena, oh wait you don't have a channel.' He said turning to me and while turning back to the camera he made a rape face and said 'yet' with a wink. 'And I'll see you next week with another sugg Sunday special. Whohaa'

'Well that was something Joe'
'My videos are always something, you should go watch it sometime'
'Maybe I will' I said to Joe while walking out going to my room to change for tonight.

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