Chapter 23

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Harry had to go back to London to get ready for the X-Factor tour. He left a couple of days ago, and ever since then, it's been really lonely. He still doesn't talk to me much, but I know he makes an effort to talk to me as much and in any way he can. He even wrote me a letter -which I thought was pretty funny.- I'm on pretty heavy meds right now, so I'm not able to do much. It's amazing how many side effects one pill can have, then you multiply it by like seven and you can write a book with them. I just wish I had a real person I could talk to, well a person I can talk to face to face.


"Brey, wake up, its time for school" my mums voice woke me

I mumbled random words and turned over

"Brey really, you've missed enough school" she said

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I slid out of bed and walked past my mum to the bathroom.

"Thank you honey" she said

"Hmm" I hummed back

I waited for the shower to heat up before stepping in and washing myself off

It took five minutes before I turned off the water and walked back into my bedroom to pick out some clothes.

I put on my chosen outfit and brushed my hair before walking to the kitchen. I grabbed the pice of toast my mum had out for me and walked to the car. I cautiously backed out if the drive and onto the street and made my way to school.

I pulled into a parking space and got out of the car. When I walked into school I received the usual treatment. with added whispers.

"I thought she was dead"

"I hear she went nuts"

I tried to ignore everyone whispering about me as I walked to my locker. I stopped in front of my locker and opened it. Once I opened it, a rope fell out of it. I bent down and picked it up when someone yelled,

"We decided to save you a step"

Everyone started laughing

I closed my eyes and dropped the rope. I walked to the washrooms and called my mum.


"Mum, please, I'm c-oming home"

"What's wrong"

"P-lease just l-let me"


The next person I called was Harry

"Hey love"


"What's wrong"

"I can't. I cant do it anymore Harry" I cried

"Brey can't do what" he sounded frantic

"They put a rope in my locker" I started "and said 'we decided to save you a step.' and they all think I already tried to commit suicide. They know in crazy Harry. is rather be dead than have to be here"

"Don't you dare say that" he said

"It's true"

"No, no it's not"

"Yes, it is"

"One day of school can't break you so easily. Brey, don't let it"

"It's my whole life, my whole life and how it's turned to shit"


I hung up and walked out of the bathroom and and to my car


I'm baaaack! I know I've made you wait a LONG time for and update, but I hope I'm back to updating frequently.

-love ya xx

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