Chapter 7

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Seraphina dropped off Talullah and Holden at my house at around eight in the morning.

I took the kids in my bedroom.

"Sit here. I'll be right back" I said as I walked out of the room

I called Harry and asked him to come over.

Next I went into my mums room to wake her up.

Today she had to look for a job. She lost hers about a week or two after dad died.

We have been living off the money from the will and the few jobs I've had.

"Mum" I lightly shook her

She groaned and turned over

"Mum" I said again

"What" she mumbled

"You need to get up" I said

"Why" she groaned

"You need to find a job today" I said

She sighed "I'm going"

I smiled "thank you"

I headed back to my room.

The kids were sitting quietly on my bed waiting for my arrival.

They smiled when I walked into the room.

"Can we do somfing fun?" Holden asked

"Sure! Like what?" I replied

He leaned over and whispered something in Talullahs ear.

She smiled and nodded her head.

"Let go to the park" she squealed

"Ok, in a little" I laughed

"Why" Holden whined

"I'm waiting for somebody" I said and sat on the bed next to him.

"Oh, ok" he said

About three minutes later, the doorbell rang.

I ran to answer it.

"Hey Har- Niall?" I questioned "what are you doing here?"

"I decided to drop by because I wanted to say 'hi'" he waved

"Ok" I replied "come in"

He came in and I called for the kids "Talullah , Holden come here"

They came running out.

"You guys, this is Niall" I said pointing to Niall "Niall these two are Talullah and Holden"

"Nice to meet you both" he said picking them up

"You too" Holden said poking Niall's cheek

They both laughed and Talullah wiggled out of his grasp and ran over to me.

I picked her up.

"Guess where we are goin" Holden said enthusiastically

"Where" Niall asked just as enthusiastically

"To the park!" He screamed

"I love the park!" Niall said

"Me too" they high fived eachother

"Let's go then" Niall said

"Um I'm waiting for Harry to get here" I said

"Oh. Ok then we'll wait" he said with a slight frown appearing on his face

Almost right after he said that the door bell rang

I walked over to answer it

"Hey Harry" I said

"Hey Hawy" Talullah repeated

Harry smiled "Hello you guys"

"Who might this be" he asked

"Talullah" she answered

"That's a very nice name, Talullah" he said

"Fank you" she smiled -yes, yes, it does look like fuck you. I get it-

I called for Niall and Holden and we started walking to the park

Once we got there Niall took the kids to the play castle and me and Harry walked over to the swing set.

"Why was Niall at your house" he asked

"He said he wanted to say hi" I replied

"That's all" he said

"Niall's my friend, Harry you're my boyfriend" I said

"Ya I know" he said looking down

"I'm cold Bwey" Tallullah said

"Wanna go home?" I asked

"Ya" she said

She walked over to Harry and held her arms out

"Cawy me" she said

Harry stood up and picked her up.

She curled up in his arms

"Niall! Holden!" I called

They came running over

"Talullah is cold so we're going home" I said

"Ok I'm getting cowd too" Holden said

We walked home

I put the kids down for a nap once we got home.


The rest of the day was spent watching tv and playing with the kids.

Once my mum came home we all ate dinner then Seraphina came to pick up the kids.


God it's been a long time since I updated.

Sorry I'm so lazy. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter.

Love ya xx

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