Chapter 12

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This past week with Harry has been magical.

I took being with him for granted. I didn't know it would be this hard to leave him. I didn't realize I needed him as much as I do.

He has to leave tomorrow and fly back to London

I almost regret him being apart of One Direction

I'm never gonna get to see him. I don't know how we're gonna do this. I don't want to break up with him, but it's gonna be hard dating the most popular boy in the world. I want him to come home just to see me, if we broke up I would see him even less.

"I don't want you to leave"

"I don't want to leave either"

"I hate missing you"

"Me too"

He looked down at me for awhile then sat up

"Here" he said pulling off his airplane necklace that I gave him

"Harry, no" I said

"Yes. I want you to have it, to always remember me"

My eyes got teary an I pulled off the bracelet he got me

"Don't forget me" I said as we exchanged jewelry

"I couldn't if I tried" he said pulling in the bracelet

"I love you" we said at the same time

He leaned in and left a light kiss on my lips

I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his chest. His hands tangled themselves in my hair.

He looked down at me and smiled.

We just started at each other for what seemed like forever.

I lifted my hands up to his face and just held them there

"How am I going to stay sane without you" I asked

He shook his head "you'll never be without me"

I smiled at him and sat up

I kissed his cheek and walked over to the kitchen

"You hungry?" I asked

"Ya, a bit" he said

"K, I'll make some grilled cheese. Sound good?"


He walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder

I smiled even bigger

Really, what was I going to do without Harry by my side. I was a wreck last time he was gone, what will I do when he's gone for ten time longer. I don't want to know. I don't want him to leave me.

My smile slowly faded into a frown as I drown in my thoughts of Harry leaving.

"What's wrong babe" he asked

"Nothing" I smiled

He gave me a look but didn't push further "Ok"


We finished our grilled cheeses and started to watch a movie

I sat cuddled up on Harry the whole time

I didn't want him to let me go

He would have to leave tomorrow, TOMORROW!!

What was I gonna do him

I spent the movie thinking about all this and not really watching

One I saw the credits roiling on the screen, I sat up and stretched out, but then retuned to cuddling close to Harry

"Haz, I don't want you to leave" I said

"I know love. I don't either"

"Then don't" I said looking up at him

He looked at me shocked and I immediately felt guilty

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that" I apologized

He shook his head "No, I probably would've said that too"

"I'm just really gonna miss you s'all"

He nodded "me too"

I looked over at the clock

"Harry you should get to bed. You have an early morning tomorrow"

He shook his head "I want to get as much time with you as possible"

I kissed him



Heyy loves. Sorry it's been so long, but thank you for over 2k reads!!!! OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Seriously. You guys are the best!!!! I love you too much to explain

Love ya xx

P.S Thank you @JaslynStyles for commenting on like every chapter. Love you!! xx

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