Chapter 16

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I was laughing at some joke Louis just told when my phone rang

I looked down, expecting to see an incoming call from Brey, but instead I saw and unknown number

I took a chance and answered it


"Harry! Harry its Brey! You need to...ohmygodhurryyouneedtogetdownhereohmygod"

My heart stopped

"Whoa, slow down, what happened"

"She, she,"

Breys mum started sobbing

"Shes going to die"

I dropped my phone catching the attention of the people around me

"Whoa, Harry whats up mate" Liam asked

"Shes going to die"

"Who" Niall asked

I turned to Niall "Shes going to die, and I've been ignoring her"

My eyes watered up and I ran out of the room

"Harry!" someone grabbed mt wrist and pulled me back

By now, tears were streaming down my face

"Harry! Whats happend" Niall asked

"B-Br-ey" I sobbed

"Stay here," he said and ran off

He came back with some bodygaurds

"Lets go" he said

I followed them to the car and we started driving


I ran into the hospital with Niall in tow. Luckily, no fans knew we were here yet.

"Wheres Brey" i said

"Last name" the lady asked


She took her time finding the room

"Sir, shes in surgery now, but go to the third floor waiting room, thats where I expect her mother to be"

"Thank you" Niall said as we ran to the lifts

I clicked the button to the third floor

We arrived and I spotted Breys mum

"Libby" I called [A/N: In case you dont remember, Libby is Breys mum]

She looked up at me. Her eyes were red and puffy.

She stood up and ran over to hug me "Im so glad you came. I was worried you wouldnt have any time"

My heart shattered.

She didnt think I would actually come.

She thought I would be too busy to come and see the girl I loved.

I sat down and buried my face in my hands and cried

I cried for who knows how long before someone tapped my shoulder

I looked up and Niall pionted to Libby who was talking with a doctor

I quickly stood up and walked over to them

"Whats happend?" I asked

"I was just telling Mrs. Truman, that she is in very critical condition. When she crashed, the car flipped causing her to be thrown thru the windshield. The car then rolled on top of her. This caused great damage to her legs and head. One of her lungs colapsed and she is, honestly, very luck shes not dead yet."

"Are we able to see her?" Breys mum asked

The doctor nodded "If you'd like"

I nodded quickly

"Follow me" He said

Niall had joined us as we followed the doctor to Breys room

He opend the door and reviled Brey

I walked over to her

"Im so sorry. So, so, so sorry" I cried "I ignored you, I left you. Im so sorry Brey. I love you"

I whispered sorry over and over again

"Its not your fault mate" Niall said giving my shoulder a light squeeze

"The last thing I said to her was 'when I can'. I told her I'd talk to her, when I can, and then I never talked to her. She Tried anad tried and I just ignored her, like she was nothing, but really, she's everything. Everything. She is my world, and if she dies, I will break."

I shook my head and started crying for the thousandth time today



I slipped in and out of conciousness. At one point I swear I herd Harry talking.


I woke up and bright lights blinded me

I herd the steady beep of a heart rate moniter

I already knew I was in a hospital

I heard hushed voices, but couldnt quite make out what they were saying

All I herd were the words 'miracle', and 'dead'

Those two words should never be put in a scentence together

I groaned, it was the only thing I could do.


I tried to sit up, but couldnt move

"Shes awake!" someone cried

Three farmiliar faces filled my vision

Mum. Niall. Harry

I groaned again

"Call the doctor" my mum said

NIalls face dissapeared for a second, then came back joined with two other faces

"This is a miracle" someone -who Im assuming was the doctor- said

Harry, Niall, and my mum started crying

I was alive. It was a miracle. That meant I was almost...dead


Hey. So This was an exciting chapter to write, and ohmygodIgotsuperemotinalwhilstwritingit. Ok I hope you really liked this chapter

Love ya xx

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