Chapter 4

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Brey and Niall ended up staying the night at my house.

I woke up to the worst noise in the world, the alarm clock.

I groaned and flung my hand over to press the snooze button. I hit it and the sound stopped.

I turned over and and hit someone.

I opened my eyes and saw Brey laying there.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her.

Only ten minutes later the alarm clock went off again and I grabbed it and threw it at the wall. I do have some anger issues, but that alarm clock annoyed the fuck out of me.

It stopped beeping and I smiled and cuddled back up with Brey.

I woke up to Brey yelling.

"WAKE UP WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" She screamed slapping me and Niall

"So" I groaned covering my head up with the blanket

"No, not 'so', now get up!" She yelled

Me and Niall groaned and sat up.

I got up and headed to my closet.

I grabbed a white shirt, black jeans and put them on.

"Can I have something" Niall asked

"Sure" I gave him a grey shirt and some jeans

"Thanks" he said

I nodded

"Harry, I don't have any clothing" Brey said

"Do you want to drive by your house?" I asked

She nodded yes.

"Lest go" I said heading downstairs

Niall and Brey followed me and we headed to the garage.

I grabbed the keys to the Range Rover and unlocked the door.

I hopped into the drivers seat and Niall and Brey fought for the passengers side.

Niall won and Brey huffed and hoped into the back.

We arrived at her house and she ran in.

We waited for about ten minutes and then she came out and took her seat in the back

I drove to school and parked in my normal space.

We all got out if the car and walked into the building. Me and Brey were holding hands

As soon as we were in the building everyone just stared at us and whispered as we walked by.

It was awkward for me and Niall. The only people who stared at us were girls and people who Louis bullied. They would always look scared and stare as we walked by, afraid that we would shove them into the lockers, but only Louis did that.


~Breys point of view~

I was preparing myself for jealous girls to come up and slap me or something, but it never happened.

Every girl in school would die to just talk to Harry or Niall, actually any girl in school would die to talk to anyone in the group.

I was holding hands with one of them.

Harry looked kind if worried and I kept glancing up at him.

Once our eyes met he gave me a worried look and I gave him a reassuring smile and he gently squeezed my hand.

I looked over at Niall who also looked nervous.

I got on my tiptoes and whispered 'don't worry' in his ear.

He smiled down at me and I smiled back.


All day everyone hung around me and asked different questions like how long me and Harry have been together or how we even got together in the first place. Some girls have me dirty looks.

At lunch I showed Niall the garden room where I always ate and he had lunch with us because Louis wouldn't even look at me, Harry, or Niall.

We just talked and laughed for lunch.

All the classed we had together we would sit next to each other.

After school we all went back to Harry's house and just hung out.

Niall left and it was just me and Harry.

We cuddled on the couch and started watching Dear John.

I cried most of the movie. It was so sad.

The part where I cried most was when his dad died and he was next to his dad reading the letter he wrote for his dad. It was too sad for me.

I looked up at Harry and he had tears in his eyes too.

"I knew you weren't heartless" I whispered

"Huh" he said looking down at me

"I said I knew you weren't heartless" I repeated myself

"What do you mean?" He asked

The credits were rolling across the screen

"You didn't cry the whole movie until the dad was dying and John was reading the letter to him" I said wanting to cry again.

I know it was a movie but it was so damn sad.

Harry smiled but he still had tears in his eyes.

I cuddled closer to him and put my head on his chest.

I could hear his heartbeat and eventually I let sleep take over.

I had a dream about Harry.

We were walking and all the sudden a car comes crashing into Harry.

I screamed and started to cry.

I pulled out my phone and called the ambulance.

I knelt down by Harry and the car drove away.

There were glass shards sticking out of him from everywhere.

The ambulance arrived and loaded him into the back.

I tried to get in with him but they wouldn't let me.

They closed the doors and drove away.

I screamed for them to stop and chased after them

I had lost the ambulance long before but still ran and tried to catch up.

My legs were numb and my lungs were burning. I was gasping for air.

Then I woke up and screamed.

Harry shot up and saw me curled up on the bed still gasping for air.

He came over to me and held me and rubbed circles on my back.

I slowly calmed down and Harry held me until I eventually fell back asleep.


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Love ya xx

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