Chapter 33: Feeling

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Arthur's POV

Next time I woke, it was morning. I groaned, opening my eyes, when I remembered what had happened. Damn all magical powers and visions. Someone was speaking, something about food.

"Good morning, Arthur." Brittany said. I saw her smiling kindly, like we hadn't had a fight yesterday.

"Morning.." I muttered, feeling bad for her. I realized that I had a headache, which felt like a hammer had been smacked multiple times to my head.

"Before you can apologize, you had the right to yell at me." I looked at her, surprise shining in my eyes. "It was my fault to think that you would welcome me with open arms after all these years... Did you sleep well?"

"Yes... Mother." Brittany looked instantly happier. She was going to say something, but my brothers interrupted her.

"Hey, Arthur, are you coming with us?" Allistor exclaimed.

"To where?"

"To city to buy some groceries." I got a sickening sense of déjà vu.

"Hey! Arthur, wait!"

"Sorry for interrupting your 'mission'."

"How many times I have to tell you that this is not a mission. I just have to go to buy some groceries."

"Arthur?" Dylan's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes, I'll come." I stood up, following my brothers.

I didn't notice the expression Brittany had, when we left.


The city wasn't far away from our haven. When we arrived at the city's fringe, where the slumms were, Allistor looked shocked and nauseous.

"You... Lived here?" I nodded, remembering the years I spent here. I felt some nostalgia, but it wasn't good kind of nostalgia. Dylan didn't say anything, he only looked around, eyes full of shock. The smell was mixture of rotting flesh and food and human secretion.

"Don't worry, the smell will get better." I said and my leg hit a corpse of a dog. It was as thin as a branch and in its eyesockets was flies.

"Now we know where that smell came..." Dylan said. I nodded. Allistor made a sound and rushed behind a collapsed building.

"He has a weak stomach..?" I asked, trying not to listen the sounds. My brother nodded.

"... I'm sorry." He said after a moment of silence.

"For what?"

"For leaving you here. I can't imagine how you survived. How did you even find food?"

"Trash cans." I shrugged, not wanting to remember. Here even a little infection could kill you. Every piece of clothing could save your life. You didn't survive alone, so you had to get allies. "And it's not you fault."

Dylan's expression was terrified. "Trash cans?" He exclaimed. Before he could say anything more, Allistor stumbled behind the building. He wiped his mouth, before spitting on the ground. Our big brother looked still a bit nauseous, but I figured out it would go away.

"Heh... Sorry for that." No words were spoken between us, as we headed through the slumms. Soon, we were at the square, where I had slept sometimes.

I heard voices, and saw a protest further, although, I couldn't see what was happening.

"Down with the monarchy!" Someone shouted, and higher voice repeated it. Then, a moment of silence.

"Father!" Someone yelled. A woman screamed and slowly people started talking again.

Then I saw Alfred.

I didn't think I would see him here. The mighty King, here with his citizens? Impossible, but Alfred had always been that kind of person who didn't care about others opinions. Well, most of the time.

Alfred noticed me, and disbelief shone in his eyes. Then it replaced with relief and longing.

"Alfred..." I smiled dispontently. I was surprised, but then I felt sad. I didn't want to cause him so much grief. He reached for me, and earned some glares from the passers-by.

Then a man walked in front of me.

"Are you coming?" Allistor grabbed my arm, and I followed him grudgingly.

My heart ached; I didn't want to leave him behind.


The magic was shaped like a little, red dragon. It wiggled its tail and wings, looking like it wanted to fly. Dylan smiled.

"H-how do you do that?" I stuttered. I was in awe, I had thought that the magic I knew was the only one. My beliefs had turned out to be wrong. There are some good things in magic, luckily. My headache was still bothering me, though.

Allistor answered to me instead of Dylan. "Every magic has a form, when it's summoned. In this case, it looks like a dragon. My magic looks like an unicorn, which doesn't feel manly, and normal eyes don't see it." He complained. I sneered.

"What? Do you want to make an impression, Allistor? Matthew can't even see it." I asked, smiling knowingly.

"No! This isn't about Matthew! And you have your own love, so who are you to talk?"

"But unicorns have great magical powers." Dylan interrupted, and the dragon disappeared.

"Alfred is an obnoxious, oblivious and loud idiot." I huffed, a blush creeping on my cheeks.

"I didn't know you had a fiancé." Dylan said, raising his eyebrows. Me and Allistor ignored him.

"I think he was too embarrassed to tell us."

"No! I.. I just.." I tried to come up with an excuse, the blush on my cheeks deepening.

"Look at him! I was right, like always."

"Don't let your ego to get you killed." Dylan mumbled, hiding his face. I looked him with concern, but Allistor nudged me and shook his head. I nodded slightly.

"I won't, little brother." Allistor ruffled his hair. The thought struck me; our family has been through many hard and sad times, but still, we stuck together.

"Now, show me can you do the same." Allistor said, and soon in front of him was an small, white unicorn. It looked me with black, wise eyes. I closed my eyes, concentrating on the task. I tried to imagine a form to my magic, a form which would represent deepest, but not darkest, part of myself.

"Oh." Dylan's voice was neutral. I opened my eyes and saw a lion, which was glowing slightly yellow, in front of me. It looked it wanted to play, or kill the unicorn. The dragon appeared, though it flickered, like its energy was out.

"Good job, wee brother!" The oldest brother said, ruffling my already messy hair. I smacked his arm away.

"I'm not small." I mumbled. Allistor laughed.

"You're shorter than me."

"I'm not!" I exclaimed.

"Let's see.." We stood up, and waited for Dylan's conviction.


"... Allistor's taller." I groaned, while Allistor just laughed.

I was happy, but the same time, I couldn't choose.

Should I live with my family or with the man I loved?

There's a problem for you, Arthur.

I kind of want to do another account to Ig (it would be Hetalia account) but then again, I just don't manage

In next chapter, there'll be action, so beware

My father's yelling again ;-; Rip my ears

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