Chapter 11: Swords

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Arthur's POV

"This means war." Ivan stood up.

"What? No!" Alfred exclaimed. "We didn't try to poison you!"

"Then explain this!" Francis stood up. "Why did Ivan's servant die?"

"I... I don't know." Alfred answered, looking more quiltier.

"We're leaving! I can't risk my Queen and Jack's life." Francis said and stood up too. He started walking towards the doors, followed by Lili and Vash. The doors opened and slammed shut. Elizabeta and Roderich too stood up, before following their King. There was apologetic look in Elizabeta's eyes, as the Clubs left the room.

Now there was only Hearts left with us.

I turned to watch the Hearts. Feliciano had took Ludwig's hand to his, Ludwig himself looked slightly annoyed and Kiku was still expressionless.

"Ve~ I'm scared, Ludwig."

"Be quiet." Ludwig said. "I don't think they wanted to kill just Ivan."

"What do you mean?" Alfred asked, confused.

"He means, that in one room, there were all the Royals. That would be an good assassination, right, my King?" I replied and stood up, trying to get my voice sound sharp like a sword's blade.

"Eh... Luckily our servants are loyal.." Alfred smiled sheepishly.

"Anyway", I turned to look Hearts, "we'll find the traitor and guarantee, that there will be now harm done to you. After all, you're our guests."

"We thank you for your lavish offer, but I'm afraid that we have to refuse." Kiku said. Now it was my turn to be surprised.

"Why?" Kiku must've seen my confused gaze, because he chuckled and said: "Our Kingdom had a traitor, who tried to kill our Jack. Luckily, he failed and now he is in prison. He had got many of our soldiers with him, so we are weaker. If you go to war against Clubs, we can't help." I nodded slowly.

"So we are all alone in this war?" Alfred asked, when Hearts had left.

"So it seems." Yao answered. I sighed and walked out of the room.

This was going to be hard.


It had been few days since that incident, and our army was in readiness state. Even the navy, which was under my command, although I too commanded reserve troops and garrison. Alfred commanded rest of the army.

I walked upstairs, trying to find Alfred. He wasn't in the dining hall, or in the training field. Maybe he was in his own chambers - I abruptly stopped in front of his chambers' door.


Someone was crying.

I moved closer to the door. One would think that I was eavesdropping, but I didn't want to burst in like that idiot did sometimes.

"How are we going to win?" I heard Alfred's question. "We have no damn allies, our army is smaller than Clubs' and there might be a possible traitor here!" Something crashed.

"Calm down, my son. Everything will turn to be all right." Theresa said calmly.

"What if you're wrong? What if I lead Spades to destruction?"



"You won't. You will win this."

"But... I don't want kill anybody."

"You have to. If you don't, you'll join on the other side with Matthew and your father sooner than you or I would want."

Silence, until someone stood up - maybe Theresa - and walked towards the door. Soon, door opened and I jumped backwards. There was a knowing sparkle in Theresa's eyes, as she walked past me.

"Alfred's inside, if you're looking for him." She smiled warmly, before walking downstairs.

I walked inside the room slowly, trying to be as quiet as possible. I turned around the corner.

"Alfred?" I asked.

He had put his head between his hands, and his hands were against his knees. His head shot up.

"Arthur? What are you doing here?" He asked and wiped his cheeks. I noticed that there were little streams of tears on his cheeks.

"I-I wanted to ask if you could train with me in the training field. I mean, there's a war coming, so..." I trailed off. Damn that handsome git, getting me to look a flustered mess...

Alfred stood up and walked closer. He smiled.

"Of course I'll come with you."

"Tha-that's nice..." I watched my boots as they were the most interesting thing in world.

Silence fell between us.

Alfred cleared his throat.

"Shall we go?"

I nodded and Alfred walked out of his chambers with me following him.


Training field was empty when we arrived there.

"Luckily no one's here." I said, relieved.

"What do you mean? You are good swordsman." Alfred answered and took a claymore, when I took a rapier.

"You're better, Alfred."

"You're better with magic, when I don't know anything about it." Alfred walked in front of me.

I huffed and lifted my rapier.

"Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded and he attacked quickly. I dodged it, but he attacked again, trying to hit my chest. I dodged again.

That cat and mouse play continued for a while, until I decided to attack. I dodged his hit with my rapier, then I aimed for his chest. Alfred looked surprised, but then he hit rapier with his claymore so hard that my teeths hit each other.

"Bloody hell.." I said and walked further from him. Alfred laughed and attacked. I tried to dodge him, but suddenly I found myself on the ground, lying on my back.

I tried to stand up, but King's claymore was pointing to my throat.

"Do you surrender?" He asked, smiling.

"I won't!" I replied, although I knew I couldn't win anymore.

The sword came closer to my throat.

"I surrender." I said quietly. Alfred went to put his claymore back where it belongs. I stood up, cleaning all the sand from my coat and followed him.

"Let's do this tomorrow, too?" Alfred asked.

"Yes. That would be nice." I smiled a small smile.

That ending though -.- But, Arthur is starting to like Alfred.

And I'm not sure is their 'relationship' moving too fast.

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