Chapter 19: Ghost

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Arthur's POV

I couldn't move. Blood felt like ice in my veins, when Dan brushed my cheek slightly with his lips.

"Oh, you have such a feminine body. I wonder why?" His voice was deep. I wanted to order him to stop, to go away and never look at me, but I couldn't. Was this fear? Or perhaps horror?

Did fear freeze you like an animal?

"When I noticed you for the first time, I knew I had to own you. I had to make sure that you belong to me, not to that filthy King. You are a Queen, so it makes everything harder." He whispered to my ear and kissed my neck. I shivered, not from pleasure, but from disgust. "But, we can keep meeting in shadows."

No bloody way I would meet him again! His hips touched mine and I woke up from my shocked state.

I sat up and punched him. Then I stood up, backing off until my lower back hit a working surface.

"Get away from me, you wanker!" I snarled.

"What? You want that our little game ends?" He sounded disappointed and walked closer.

"Yes! And if you come any closer, you'll regret it." I recalled a spell, which freezed the opponent, thus he couldn't move. Or breathe, but opponent didn't die. "Guards!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Dan grimaced.

"I guess I have to use force." He said, shaking his head. He lunged forwards in split second, but I shouted a command word and straightened my hand. Blue light hit Dan, and his expression was shocked and surprised.

My hand almost touched his face, but I yanked it away. Suddenly, door opened and broke away from its lunges with a crash. I watched as taller one of the two guards looked around, before walking next to Dan.

"What happened?" Shorter one had his sword out.

"Major Dan tried to rape me." I said bluntly, hiding any emotion on my face. Taller one gasped.


I nodded. "Put him into the coldest cell you can find. Give him only water. Make sure nobody kills him."

Shorter one tied Dan's hands behind his back. I said again a command word, and Dan looked like he woke from dead. He inhaled, exhaled, inhaled and exhaled, until he noticed that his hands were tied behind his back.

"What? What did you do to me?" His voice trembled, when he looked at me and then at guards.

"Major Dan, you are under arrest because you tried to rape our Queen."

"What?" His voice was now more confused, as he stared me. "You lied to them! You wanted it!"

"You can't seem to tell apart what is lust and what is disgust." I said coldly. "Take him away."

"No! Let go of me! This is an order! I'm your major!" He yelled and raged. Tall guard dragged him out of the hause.

Short guard turned to look at me and bowed.

"I'm sorry for this." He closed the door after him.

I felt cool breeze at my neck, and I noticed that my bowtie was missing. I lifted it from the floor, fluttered it slightly and tied it around my neck.


I walked in the corridors of the prison. There were lots of cells, about twenty on both side. And they were small. There was one bed, a toilet and a window, which had bars in front of it. Even the doors had bars.

"Give me... Water." Someone appeared on the door and he was badly battered.

Other prisoners, too, appeared and pleaded for water or food. Someone even spitted, like to despise monarchs.

"Your underlings put me into jail! You deserve to rot here like us."

I walked, until I arrived at the last door. Two guards were standing next to the it. I nodded at them, and they opened the door.

Major Dan looked at me. He had an black eye and he looked even more battered than the earlier raper.

"Please. Let me out of here, and I swear that doesn't happen again." He whispered.

"I see you have been in Halls." Halls were a place, where prisoners gathered once in a day. Guards weren't watching over them, so they could do whatever they wanted. That meant, that if there were rapers, murderers, thiefs and others brutalised them.

Dan laughed dryly. "Yes, and they said I'm going to die. How are you going to kill me, your Highness?" He said mockingly.

"I'm not going to kill you. That would be too easy punishment for you. You will stay here until the day you die."

"What? No!" He realized what I had said. I turned and walked out of the cell.

"Have a happy life." I said. Guards closed the door.

"No! Let me out! Let me out!"


I sighed. I had somehow managed to return my temporary lodging. I watched out of the window and thought, until I realized sun was starting to set behind the horizon. The day after tomorrow we would attack.

Today's experience didn't feel real. Like I had been a spectator. I shaked my head. I had to be strong, not just a crybaby, like men who had drunk too much alcohol and then they just were nostalgic and yearning for old ages. Like Antonio's father and my father always were.

Suddenly, I felt a cold breeze, although windows and door were closed. I glanced around me. There was no one here.

"Bloody hell, I'm getting paranoid." I muttered to myself.

I felt the breeze again. Someone whispered, and I realized, who, no, what was with me.

A ghost.

It appeared in front of me. First, its form was blurry, but then it sharpened. Ghost's eyes were silvery, but otherwise it looked like a human.

The ghostwoman had a beautiful white dress, which had little blood stains on it and black high heels. Her hair was brown. Maybe she had died in that attack, I wondered.

She watched me with sad eyes.

I smiled shortly.

Crappy ;-;

Sorry if Arthur seems OCC, I'll try to fix it

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