Chapter 24: Peace

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Alfred's POV

I sighed and tried to stretch my limbs, as the farmer complained me about his neighbor. Arthur glanced me, annoyed, but didn't say anything.

"... Should I just kill his cow because he killed mine?" Farmer puffered. I thought about it for a moment.


"What?" Farmer sounded shocked. "But-"

"If you revenge him today, he or his sons will revenge you tomorrow." Yao said. He didn't have a seat, so he stood next to me.

"So, don't revenge to him. Show, that we people aren't just monsters who hunger for blood and pain." Arthur said. There wasn't any emotion on his face, like always when we were working. Farmer nodded and left.

Next, a man with dark brown hair walked in the hall. Nobles on the both sides of the room whispered to each other, looking disgusted. Man had a yellow, worn our shirt, a red vest on top of it. He had also brown, almost black pants. It seemed that those were his only fancy clothes. When man noticed us, he smiled and his eyes seemed to lit up even more.

"Arthur!" He greeted. I glanced my Queen, surprised, but there wasn't any emotion on his face. His eyes twinkled with recognition, though.

"Don't talk to his Highness like that!" One of the soldiers yelled. Man glanced him.

"I know Queen, so I believe I can talk to him like that."

"Is it true?" I asked quietly from Arthur. He nodded.

"Arthur, you have to help us!" Man turned his attention back to us. "The rebels are organizing all the people, who want to overthrow the monarchy. Rebels are killing the people, who support your monarchy!

"Lies! This man, who comes from the slumms, lies! My spies didn't report anything like that!" One of the noblemen yelled angrily. I raised a brow.

"No! I don't-"

"Silence!" Arthur stood up. "Are you saying that my loyal friend, Antonio is lying?" Nobleman looked down, ashamed. That sign reminded me of commander of the guards, Louis and what he had done, when I had met Arthur for the first time.

"Maybe your 'friend' is a rebel himself?" Other noble yelled. This earned many approbative nods and statements.

"Maybe your spy is a rebel, because you said that he didn't report about kills." Arthur replied sharply. This earned more nods than earlier statement. Queen sat down, sighing a bit.

"But if there are rebels, what should we do?" Someone shouted. "Should we just kill them all?"

"No! That would be cruel!" Woman answered, but of course, no one listened.

"Aren't we humans always cruel to each other?"

"Have your heard about the revolution in Clubs? I heard, that rebels shot the King, Queen and their Jack in a cellar!"

Everyone was slightly startled and talked about the rebels. I shaked my head; I didn't believe that a revolution would break out here.

"Silence, please!" Yao exclaimed next to me. Slowly, every noble shut their mouth and turned to watch me. I felt myself nervous. Arthur glanced me quickly. I knew, that he would support me.

"You", I stood up and pointed the noble man, who claimed to have spies, "you'll command your spies to sneak into rebels' management." Noble man nodded and left from the room. "And Antonio, if you want, we could give you a better home than the slumms." Antonio smiled, shaking his head.

"I appreciate that, your Majesty, but I would like to live there with my family." Some nobles gasped. How could he refuse from an offer, which came from the King itself?

I smiled shortly. "I honor your loyalty, Antonio."

Antonio nodded and left. I sat down. Yao glanced me, nodding approbatively. I grinned, but suddenly the doors opened again, revealing my mother's personal maid.

"Former Queen is dying!" She exclaimed.

My blood froze in my veins.



I ran in the room and saw Theresa laying on her bed, looking weak. I walked next to her bed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I was angry to myself and to Theresa. Why didn't she tell me? Why? Former Queen of Spades smiled sadly.

"You have duties and other things.." She took a handkerchief and coughed to it. The handkerchief was now slightly bloody. I was shocked. Was it that bad?

"That isn't a reason! You're my mother, you should've told to me!" I exclaimed, my sight becoming blurry. I wiped the tears away.

She chuckled. "At least I got to see Matthew again..." She closed her eyes for a moment, before opening them again. Her brown eyes were teary now.

"No! I'll call a doctor and he can heal you." I choked back a sob. No, no, I couldn't cry now, I am the King of Spades, Kings and heros don't cry-

"Alfred, there nothing a doctor can do. I'm dying." Theresa said and stroked my cheek.

"Then... Arthur, can't you use your magic?" I turned to look at Arthur, who shaked his head, looking sad.

"Alfred." Theresa coughed again. "I need to tell you something."


"Your father... Aedan, wasn't as kind as he looked like." I feared what she would say, but then again, I felt myself calm.

Murderer King.

"Your father... Was a murderer." Arthur gasped.

"He loved killing people. He loved to hear the people's cry of pains, when he punished them. Our Jack, Martin, supported him, but then he realized he was wrong. Aedan killed him."

"So.. That's why he never came back from the 'mission'?" I asked and tried to accept the fact that I'm son of a murderer.

Theresa nodded. "Then, you and Matthew borned, and Aedan was happy. He didn't kill anybody anymore, but I knew, that he had to punished because of his sins."

I knew, what she was going to say. But still, I feared it oh so much.

"I... Poisoned him." Theresa whispered.

Shocked silence fell between us, until Theresa broke it by coughing.

"It's my time to go, Alfred."

"No!" I exclaimed. "You can't die! I won't accept it!" I wanted to do something, not just watch.

"I'm sorry, Alfred, my son."

"No. No! You can't do this to me..." Tears streamed down my cheeks and I sobbed. Arthur walked next to me and closed Theresa's eyes. Next, he sat down and started stroking my back.

I leaned on him, trying my hardest to not to cry. He whispered comforting words - or was that a spell? I didn't know and I didn't want to care.

Only thing I knew, that my mother is dead and now I'm the only remaining family member of Jones family.

I was watching Expendables 2 and there was a man who fought with frying pans

And then I watched War horse and the British troops' uniforms looked like aph England's uniform and I was like omg

The British cavalrymen had swords and I was surprised that they used swords in WWI and Germans had like fucking (machine) guns

And how? When? Why? This story has 1,02K reads already! How? I never thought my *cough weird cough* story would get so much reads. Anyway, I thank you with all my heart!

My mother's baking carrot pie bc it's my birthday and I'm like "It's just a birthday stop"

That gif has nothing to do with the subject but I just find it so cute >.<

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