Till next time?

82 11 12

Originally wrote on the 1-1-2017

Re-wrote on the 14-7-2017

I close my eyes, letting my mind roam the empty space between reality and my imagination.

It grabs on to the thoughts and pulls in the dread.

Bathing me in warm salty sweat.

People say that a lot of times we are better kept in the dark.

Because enlightening the person brings up thoughts that don't let you think straight.

Thoughts that give you restless nights.

Thoughts that don't let you breath.

Thoughts that come like a unpredictable wave, chase you past your limits and then suffocate you. I am suffocating right now.

I tried to out run it.

I really did.

But as some of you may know, that is just impossible.

Or maybe I was incapable and cursed to drown.

Soon I'll be gone.

Only my outline will stay with you, but you won't know the difference because I've been fading  out of reality for a while now and no one noticed.

Because no one cares.

 And no one ever will.

I just have to deal with that.

Soon, you won't have to deal with me either. 

So have a nice day.

and till next time.

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