Video #This is a Part Two

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The camera buzzed to life again, revealing a somber Wally and a nervous Kaldur.

"I..." Wally cut himself off, his voice cracking, "I can't really talk about what you said, not here or now, but... I really hope you get better. This isn't you. It isn't you, at all. So, uh, Kaldur is here to say a few words. Just, uh, listen, alright?"

Wally looked at Kaldur, who turned to the camera. He looked as serious as ever, when he said, "Robin, you are one of the most promising individuals I have ever had the privilege of knowing. Before I met you, I thought it would be impossible for someone of your age to perform in this field of work. Now, meeting you, I know it's impossible.

"Yet, you do it anyway. You continue to preserver and achieve. You're incredibly intelligent. You, like me, were placed in a new world, with new customs and people. I know that much. You handled your situation better than I ever have. I would be lying if I said I didn't envy you, in that respect.

"Such respect I have for you can never be tainted, but I will worry. I have always seen you as a member of my family, someone who I can rely on and someone who I must protect. That urge to protect you, to protect all of you, is what has led me to fear.

"I fear now. I fear for your wellbeing and your state of mind. I know simply telling you to get better won't do, but I- along with the rest of the team- will spend every second of every day supporting you, if that's what it takes."

He finished, turning to Wally, looking almost shy after his declaration.

Wally smiled, gripping Kaldur's shoulder, "Thank you," and he turned off the camera.

The camera turned on once again, showing a scowling Superboy mumbling to himself and examining the camera. There was distant yelling in the background.

He shrugged and turned the camera to face a long corridor. As he walked down, the screaming got louder, and the camera jerked- as if Superboy violently flinched at the sound. When he reached the last door, he turned the camera so it was between the small space the door frame and the small opening the door provided. The quality was terrible, but the sound was the same and the blurry images provided enough evidence as to what was going on.

Wally was hugging Dick from behind, and Dick was struggling harder than ever.

"I swear to God, Wally, I'll fucking kill you," Dick screamed.

In real time, Robin flinched at the sound, glancing over at the Speedster nervously. Kid Flash shook his head, and wrapped an arm around the other's shoulders.

"No you won't, Dickie," Wally said, unaware of Superboy's presence. "Shh, this is just a moment. It gets better." He sounded as calm as ever, despite Dick's anger.

"I hate you," he continued, a pained look on his face. "I hate you more than your parents hate you."

He paused, as if waiting for Wally's reaction. When he got none, he growled in anger.

"Just let me go," he yelled, voice cracking and sounding broken.

"You're freaking out, Dickie," Wally said softly. "You're having a panic attack. You're not thinking clearly."

"I'm," he choked, trembling hands failing to remove Wally's arms from around his midsection. "I'm fine, just-"

Wally shushed him, removing one hand to tread fingers through ebony hair. He moved them to the edge of the bed.

"Please," Dick begged, suddenly stopping his struggling. "I just... You don't understand, I need it." With that said, the other broke down into sobs, turning around and throwing his arms around the speedster and his face in his neck.

"I miss my parents," he sobbed, "I-I want to die, I want a hit, I can't do this anymore."

"That's it," Wally said, rubbing Dick's back. "Just let it out."

"That's heavy," Beast Boy chuckled nervously, clearing his throat and dropping the remote next to him on the couch. "Uh... you alright, Dic-Robin?"

Robin made a little noise in the back of his throaty, "Uh, yeah. It's tough, sure. But that was to be expected. I was going through a lot there. That was a bit after I stopped therapy, I had just started taking a new drug off the streets of Gotham. That last one was really not a good idea. Especially, since it later became an epidemic to the League. I was torn between taking another hit and helping the League get it off the streets. And, you know, the whole jail thing freaked me out."

"If you don't mind me asking," Cyborg said, "why did the, uh, whole jail time thing mess with you so much?"

Robin ran a hand through his gelled hair, "The short version is after my parents passed, there were no more orphanages available, so they threw me in juvie."

"Just like that?" Raven asked, cocking an eyebrow. "How old were you?"

"I had just turned eight," Robin said, "and it wouldn't have been that bad if I shared the cell with someone besides... who I shared it with."

Everyone was quiet for a moment, letting that wash over them. They weren't sure what was more surprising- the fact that their leader was willing to share stuff like this, or what he was sharing.

"Why?" Beast Boy asked, always a bit slower.

Robin let out a nervous laugh, "What do you think happens to naive eight year olds in a Gotham Juvenile Detention Center?"

Beast Boy was quiet for a minute, until, "Oh."

"Mhm," Robin said, quirking a corner of his lip, "but I'm alright. Scarred, sure. But I'm still breathing."

Before anyone else can ask another question, Robin hit play.

"What else is wrong?" Wally asked, blinking away tears.

Dick looked up. He looked conflicted, as if he wasn't sure whether or not to share what was on his mind.

"I..." he paused, "Bruce just told me I have to testify against... George."

"What?" Wally snapped, tightening his grip on Dick.

"If I want him to stay in jail," he said, voice low, "I have to."

Wally let out a puff of air.

"I don't think I can do it. I- just thinking about it. Nevertheless, seeing him. I don't know if I can."

Wally sighed, tilting up Dick's chin and staring into his eyes.

And then the screen turned black.

"Oh yeah," Robin hummed, "that was happening, too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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