Video #I Didnt Feel Like Editing

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This is what happens when you read a chain comment at 10:30pm...

The light of a dimly lit Batcave filled in the darkness of the camera, starting at the edges and meeting at the middle of the screen where the Dark Knight stood.

Except, perhaps "Knight" isn't the best title at the moment.

Not when his cheeks were flushed with blood red, and he was running a shaky hand through unruly jet black hair and freaking out to a sickly looking old man. "He's gay, Alfred."

The old man piped up at that, "Is there a problem with that, sir?"

"Of course not," Bruce quickly corrected, shaking his head and pulling off the sleeves of the bat suit. "It's just... I don't know, aren't I supposed to have, like, a..." he looked almost uncertain, "father-son talk?"

The camera moved from Bruce to show Dick Grayson, a much closer view (probably next to the person recording), beaming with childish glee. "He called me his son," he said, turning to look at the camera... and then scowling, "Get that out of my face, Wallace West. You should be getting the good stuff."

"You are good stuff," came a snickering voice. Both spoke in hush tones, as to not alert the others in the bat family that they were eavesdropping from a ledge with their precious camera.

Dick dropped his head, too-long black hair framing his face, "Shut up."

"You can make me-"

"Finish that sentence, and I might have to dismember your face."

"I know a couple ways you can dismembered my face."

"Shut. Up."

"You're blushing."

"You're delusional."

"I'm in love."

"What?" Dick said, quick and surprised, his head shooting up and to his right.

Wally was quick to respond with an equally terrified, "What?"

"You told me you loved me?"

"Did I?"

"You did."

"I didn't."

"Should we watch the video now and check?"

"Just give me some time to burn it."

"Won't change the fact that you love me."

"Of course I love you."

"You said it again?"

"And, I meant it the second time, too."


There was a pause, and then an awkward laugh, "The sweet, sweet taste of rejection."

"I'm not rejecting you."

"Then what are you doing?"

"Cognitive thinking."

"Can you just please tell me "You love me" back, so I don't have to rip out my hair?"

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