Video #2

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"Wallace Rudolph West, I will give you three seconds to drop the egg and walk away like nothing happen. If you don't comply, I will give you a two second head start and some bandages after I whup your sorry butt," a boy- Dick, they realized, though he wasn't much older than he was in the last home-video- said calmly, though, his fists were white from clutching his Batarang so tightly.

"I'm expecting a fight to erupt any minute," the camera flipped to see Roy, who wore an enthusiastic smirk.

"No way! I found it-"

"In my basket?" Dick asked sarcastically.

"Exactly! That should count," Wally tried.

"Fine, play it that way," and Dick grinned, now carrying two baskets in his hand instead of one. Wally stood, dumbstruck, staring at his hand in shock.

The camera changed directions once again to be met with a very distraught archer. No, not who you think it is.

"Oliver! Quit your fussing and grab the snacks! I'm telling you, this is about to get extremely interesting," Roy said, then lowered his voice, "That's Green Arrow, my ass of a father.


Beast Boy froze, remote in hand and fingers still pressing down the 'pause' button.

"Was that, like, your rebellious stage or something?" he asked, jerking his head in the direction of the screen.

"Of course not, that started a few years forward," Kid Flash offered, shoving another mouthful of popcorn in his endless pit of a mouth.

"Then why did you..." Bee shrugged, letting the rest sink in.

"Because it was true, he was an ass of a father," Speedy said, his previously happy expression melting into an emotionless mask. Robin coughed awkwardly.

"Look, this was a bad idea from the start. There are things on here that no one was meant to see. Heck, there are things on here we-" at this he gestured to the trio, "haven't seen," Robin ranted, fidgeting uncomfortably.

"Look, Rob, its cool. I don't take it personally," Speedy assured, managing comforting smiles to his little brother figures.

Before anyone else could speak, Beast Boy had hit 'play'.


The camera averted back to the boys just in time to see Wally launch himself at Dick.

"Who're you rooting for, Barry?" Roy asked, unassumingly speaking to someone off camera.


"Pause!" Robin shouted, eagerly whacking his 'brothers'' shoulders. "Wait! Oh my god, this just made me realize something. Look, how long ago this was."

"Yeah, Rob, this was quite a while back," Kid Flash agreed, mildly confused.

"No, I mean, not us; the Justice League. Look, how young they were there. I mean, if that was roughly eight years ago, then Uncle Barry and Uncle Oliver must have been at least twenty or something," Robin explained.

"You're right," Speedy grinned, "It just makes me realize how old they are in a new light."

Anxious to see how the video ends, "Alright, continue," Robin pushed, with a childish eagerness.


"Definitely Dick, Wally stands no-" but 'Barry' paused, "Er... We need to break them up!"

Roy laughed, "Don't worry, O' Barry, I won't tell a soul."

"Thanks kid-"

"Nope, instead you'll tell them. With this tape I'm recording," he continued smugly.

"I will destroy you, Wallace!" Dick could be heard shrieking, a sharp scream was heard soon after.

"Help me restrain him, Roy!" Barry yelled.

The camera instantly fell to the ground and the screen turned green (most likely due to the grassy ground) and all that could be heard was screaming/grunting/cursing/etc. for a good five minutes.


"Wait? Who won?" Cyborg asked, glancing at Robin to Kid Flash. He received no direct reply, but Robin did smirk and Wally did pout.

"He also kicked Arrow Head's ass once he got in the picture. Plus Barry and Oliver's," Kid Flash said, grinning smugly at the memory. "They had to call in backup to restrain him from dislocating my face."

"Is that even possible?" Raven questions, cocking an eyebrow.

"More than you could imagine," Kid Flash instantly replied, a distant look of horror glowing on his face.

"Next tape!" Speedy interrupted, taking the remote.

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